All for Nothing

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Erika wakes up today and decides that her and Jake should tell her and Jakes parents about the pregnancy. Erika crawls out of bed and goes to make some breakfast but as she does she feels like  she is gonna throw up and runs to the bathroom Jake here's her and comes to hold her hair back.

E: well I'm gonna have to get used to this for a while

J: yeah you are gonna have to get used to this, where were you going by the way

E: oh I wanted food so I was gonna go make some

J: oh ok

E: well now that I'm up how about we go make some breakfast for the whole Team

J: That sounds like a plan, oh and one more things

E: what 

J: this 

He kisses her and they kiss for 3 minutes until Jake breaks it

E: whoah what was that for

J: just felt like we hadn't done it in a while

E: oh ok 

 They head downstairs and start to take breakfast Erika is flipping pancakes and Jake just got done making the bacon and eggs and he walks up behind her and wraps his arm around her waist and begins to rub her belly

J: Thats our baby in there 

E: I know I still can't believe it\

J: me either especially since we have been trying for like 4 months

E: hey I don't care how long it takes all I care about is that we are gonna have a baby or babies in 9 months

J: Yeah and but care about you as well

Jake and Erika finish making breakfast and walk upstairs to wake everybody up. They walk into Chance and Anthony's  room and blow an air horn and they ump up.

C: what what, oh its just you guys

J: Good morning chanting, we have breakfast made downstairs but make sure to leave some for everybody else

C: Yes dad

They then walk to chads room

They jump on top of him and he wakes up

CT ( Chad Tepper): Good morning Jerika and Jerika baby

J&E: good morning chad

'E: breakfast is downstairs and hot but make sure to leave some for everybody else

C: you got it  mom

 They then goo too Tessa room

Erika jumps on her bed 


T: good morning E

J: breakfast is downstairs but you better get to it before the boys do

T: h good morning Jake, and thanks

They all make their way downstairs and all eat as a big family.

E: Hey babe I think that we should tell our parents about the baby today

J: Yeah we can do it after we get done eating

E: ok

They get done eating and decide to call Pam and Greg first

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