Hot Stuff

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Kade and Mckenzie came over today and this is how went...

Parker starts crying 

Erika just stares at Mckenzie and Kade

M: oh you want me to deal with this 

E: yep 

M: ok so Kade pass me his pacifier 

Kade passes it to her and she puts it in and he stops 

M: problem solved 

E: 1...2...3..

Paisley starts crying 

M: oh great,  Kade 

Kade passes her Paisleys Pacifier and she stops 

E: great you have stalled them for 5 minuted 

M: ok Kade lets go change some diapers

They walk upstairs 

E: get the bottles ready I am gonna go with them 

J: you got it lil mama

Erika laughs

Jake goes to the kitchen and Erika follows Mckenzie and Kade 

K: you know how to do this right 

M: yes, you 


They change the diapers and walk back downstairs and sit on the couch and just start talking to Erika about parenthood and then Jake comes over and Kade talks to him 

10 minutes later 

PA:* crying 

PI: * Crying

M: ummm we've done everything 

E: just tell us when you want us to join in 

They rock the babies and shush them but nothing worked

M: ok what do we do 

E: have you fed them 

M: crap no do you need them 

E: nope we've got bottles ready for both 

K: ok , I'll get them. Who gets which 

E: Doesn't matter

M: ok, Give me Parkers 

Kade gives McKenzie his and they start to feed them 

M: why aren't you breastfeeding them Erika

E: I do but your here and you're learning about parenting and Paisley sucked me dry before you got here 

M: oh ok 

E: yeah this only happens every so often because I pump

M: oh ok thats great to know 

E: yeah 

M: Erika right after the baby is born I want you to be there to help me through the first day of having them.

E: you got it as soon as yo are sewn up I'll come in 

M: thanks

E: no problem 

They talk for 30 minutes until the babies get done. 

K: ok so I'm gonna guess it's bed time now 

J: yep... to the nursery

K; lets go

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