Poor Babies

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2 week later the babies are now 1 month old

2:00 A.M.

PI(Paisley): *screaming*

E: Jake did you change her already

J: yes like 30 minutes ago, when did you feed her

E: like an hour ago

J: you want me to get her

E: yeah this is not normal


They get out of the bed and walk over to the bassinet and picks her up and starts to bounce her and rock her but she is still crying

Erika gets out of the bed and walks over to Jake

E: aww whats wrong princess

J: I don't know but she's not going to sleep

E: should I try to feed her

J: yeah I guess

Erika takes her and sits in the rocking chair in the bedroom and tries to feed her but she won't

E: she's not eating, check her diaper again

Jake checks her diaper agin

J: nothing no poop or pee

Erika takes her back

E: what wrong baby girl. Jake give me her paci

Jake gives it to her and she doesn't stop

Erika gives it back to Jake

E: go get the thermometer

J: you think she's sick

E: possibly

Jake goes and gets it and bring it back. They take her temperature and it's 99.8

E: thats almost a fever

J: yeah, I don't want her getting Parker sick though so what should we do

E: I could go sleep on the couch with her and you could sleep up here

J: no I'll sleep on the couch with her and you stay with Parker, you pumped right


J: ok I'll just feed her that because he shouldn't eat after her and he's not sick so we shouldn't change his schedule

E: yeah your right, so you wanna go downstairs right now

J: yeah you take her and I'll grab the bassinet bottles diapers and wipes

E: Ok, hold on one sec

Erika takes her from Jake and she stoped crying but was awake and she's goes over to Parkers bassinet and checks on him

E: ok I'm gonna go downstairs

J: ok I'm coming right behind you

Erika walks downstairs and Jake comes downs 1 minute later and then Erika places her in the bassinet because she fell asleep and she kisses Jake and goes back upstairs to Parker and gets in bed while Jake gets a blanket and pillow and lays on the couch and goes to sleep.

1 hour later

PA: *crying

E: I'm coming buddy

Erika feeds Parker and then changes his diaper and he goes back to sleep and she does too

30 minutes later

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