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Jake POV

I still haven't been able to see Erika or the twins yet and it's killing me. I have to have surgery today and I want to see them. My head is fine but my leg needs surgery to heal. My mom came and saw me and told me that Erika and the twins were ok and upstairs for another night. 

Erika POV 

The twins were so grumpy last night because they couldn't see Jake and truth be told I miss him too. The doctor said that we could go see him today because he has to have surgery. I plan on telling him about the pregnancy when we go and see him. When I had just finished feeding the twins a doctor came in and told me that we could go down there but that the twins had to stay with Pam and Angel. 

E: ok when can I go see him 

D: I'm getting a wheelchair right now and then they are gonna take you to see him 

E: ok thank you 

D: no problem 

A few minutes later a nurse comes back with a wheelchair and she gets in it and they go to Jake's room. When they get there the nurse knock on the door 

N: Mr. Paul 

J: unless it is my wife or kids get out please I don't have surgery for another 6 hours and you've done everything to prepare me so please leave me alone

E: baby it's me 

Jake snaps his head towards Erika, the nurse pushes her to his bed and she kisses him 

J: oh my god are you ok 

Erika takes Jake's hand and puts it on her stomach and her on top of it 

E: we're fine 

J: wait what 

E: I'm pregnant baby 

J: are you kidding me 

E: no I was gonna tell you when we got home from the hospital from seeing McKenzie and the babybut then the wreck happened, I thought we lost it but we didn't 

Jake starts to cry

E: aww babe 

J: I love you 

They kiss 

N: I'm going to give you guys some alone time 

J: thank you 

The nurse closes the door 

J: baby how did this happen 

E: I have no clue but the OBGYN checked me and our little baby is perfectly fine. 

J: but we it took us three years last time 

E: I know thats why I wasn't really trying to prevent it this time, I knew that if it happened it was a slim chance so why stop it 

J: Erika, your pregnant 

E:I'm pregnant Jake 

J: we're gonna have a baby 

Erika starts to cry 

E: we're gonna have another baby. 

Erika lays her head on Jake's arm and they both fall asleep until the doctor comes back in to take Jake to pre-op

D: alright I have to take Mr.Paul to pre-op now 

E: ok...we'll see you when you get out 

J: that you will, I've got a baby to raise 

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