Last Day

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Today is the twins last day of Day Care as they are starting Pre-K in 2 months and Erika and Jake wanted to take them out of daycare a few months before. Carter was going to continue to stay in daycare while the twins went to school so Erika and Jake could get some work down while they were all four away. Dani was still with Angel today and she was coming back tonight. 

" mama" Carter cried as he stood in his crib, it was only 4AM by the way. Erika heard him and got out of bed throwing a sweatshirt over her sports bra and walked to his nursery which was next door. She walked in and turned on his lamp that was on his dresser. 

" why are you up this early mister you have an appointment at 9" Erika said as she picked him up and he laid his head on her chest. She sat in the rocking chair in his room and rubbed his back while rocking the chair back and forth. 

" why are you up" Jake said sleepily as he walked into the nursery with no shirt on and in just his boxers. 

" I don't know he woke up crying. I guess he had a bad dream"Erika said as she looked down at Carter who had his eyes open and was looking at Jake while he sucked at his pacifier. 

" did you have a bad dream buddy" Jake said as he kneeled down beside the rocking chair. 

" just bring him to our bed. We're supposed to be up in 3 hours anyway." Jake said as she nodded and stood up. They all three walked out of the nursery after Jake turned the light off but were met with a tired Parker standing outside his bedroom. 

" why are you awake Parker" Jake said as he walked over to him

" I got peepee dada" Parker said as he squeezed his legs together and Jake nodded

" ok come on" Jake said as he took his hand and took him to the bathroom and helped him out of his onesie. 

" dada I sweep wif you " Parker said as Jake sighed

" bud Carter is sleeping with us tonight." Jake said as Parker wined at him

" pwease dada" Parker said as Jake sighed

" ok" he said as he zipped up his onesie again and picked him up. They walked to his bedroom and Erika was laying in bed with Carter facing towards her chest and he was asleep. 

" this one wants to sleep with us as well" Jake said as Erika smiled 

" why Park" Erika asked as Parker shrugged his shoulders

"I wanna sweep wif dada" he said as Jake put him on the bed and he got under the covers beside Carter. Jake got in beside him and then Parker cuddled up to him. 

" goodnight boys" Erika said as she turned off her lamp and closed her eyes

" goodnight babe, night Parker" Jake said as he kissed Parkers head and closed his eyes as Parker stayed close to him. 

3 hours later

The alarm to get up has just went off and Jake rolled over and turned it off. Carter turned away from him as he never got up this early and Jake got out of bed and covered him back up. Erika followed not far behind and she put a pillow behind Carter's back so he wouldn't accidentally roll off the bed. They both walked to the bathroom and Jake wrapped his arms around Erika waist as he pecked her lips. 

" I'm so tired today" Erika said as Jake nodded into her neck 

" me too" he said into her neck as she giggled 

"don't do that it tickled" she said as she pushed him away and they started getting ready. It took them both an hour and a half to get ready before they went into the bedroom and saw the boys who had cuddled up in bed together.  

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