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Jake POV

Today we are taking Kinsley and Wyatt to the doctors to get checked up's. I am currently downstairs with the 4 older kids as they are eating breakfast as Erika is upstairs with Kinsley getting her ready. Kinsley does not like sleeping at night and Erika and I both agreed that we are going to have to fix her little problem very soon. She woke up every hour crying because she wanted to be held. We eventually put the dock-a-tot in the middle of us and laid her in that so when she did scream at night we could quickly put a pacifier in her mouth. 

"dada," Parker asked as he was sitting at the table

" yes Park" I responded

" can I go wif you and mama today," He asked me as the other 3 kids were focusing on their food.

" come here bud," I said as he got off of his chair and came running over to me. I squatted down to his level after putting his plate in the sink.

" Why do you wanna go with me and mama. We are just taking Wyatt and Kinsley to the doctor" I told him as he shrugged his shoulders.

" ok, I'll go talk to mama and ask her. You know that nana is staying with you today thought right." I told him as he nodded.

" I wanna go wif you," Parker said as I nodded

" ok I'll ask her when I go upstairs. Can you Parke and Carter stay down here and play while I get Wyatt ready." I asked him and he nodded

" thank you, big guy," I told him as I walked over to the table. I took all three plates to the sink and washed them as Carter and Wyatt sat in their high chairs and Paisley climbed out of hers. Once I washed the dishes I got Carter out first and put him on the floor then I picked Wyatt up and brought him upstairs to mine and Erika's room where Erika was in the bathroom and Kinsley was in the mamaroo next to her. 

" so Parker just asked me if he can go with us today," I told Erika as she was curling her hair

" Yeah, I think he misses us because we've been gone so many times these past months," Erika said as I nodded

" so you wanna let him come," I asked her and she nodded

" why not," she said as I nodded

" ok, I'll go get these two dressed then," I said as I called Parker upstairs. 

" Mama said you can go so let's go get dressed," I told him as we walked to Parker's room first. I put Wyatt on the floor and he ran around Parker's room while I got clothes out. 

" here bud lets take your PJ's off and get you in some real clothes," I said as I pulled out a pair of light skinny jeans, a red long sleeve shirt, and his black timberlands. I helped him get dressed and sent him to Erika for her to do his hair as I picked Wyatt up and took him to his room. I put him on the floor and he ran towards his bed that Logan had so kindly put together yesterday and I picked out his clothes. 

" What should you wear today Wyatt," I asked him as he squealed at him and fell to the floor.

" how about this," I said as I picked out a pair of skinny jeans, a grey sweater, and his white converse. I picked him up and laid him on the changing table taking him out of the pajama onesie he was in before I changed his diaper. I slipped his jeans on first then sat him up and put his shirt on. I then put some socks on and finally put his converse on. I combed his hair to the side since he had blond hair that laid down easily and I picked him up.

"let's go check on your siblings downstairs before I get dressed," I said as I walked downstairs with Wyatt in my arms

" Are you guys ok down here," I asked them and they nodded going back to playing with their toys.

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