Sleeping Arrangements

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Erika POV

Carter was now 5 months old and the twins had just turned 2 last week. We were going to take them to Disney World in Orlando for their second birthday. We know that they are still young but we think they'll enjoy it plus our families were going to meet us down there and we were doing a family vacay sort of thing. Carter had never gone on a plane and we didn't really know how he was going to take it. We are getting a private plane and my family was going to ride with us to Florida. It was now 5AM and we had a flight for 7. I packed everybody's bags yesterday so all we has to do was get up and put bathroom stuff in the bag, get the kids up, we were leaving them in pajamas since we were going private. The alarm went off and Jake and me both got up. 

Nobody POV

Jake and Erika both got up and went to the bathroom to finish getting dressed. They put on workout outfits and then Jake went and got Carter changed while Erika went and changed the twins diapers. When everyone was finally ready it was 6:30 so they went to the airport. Erika's family was already there and waiting on them so her dad took Paisley while Jake got Parker and Erika got Carter. They had their luggage loaded onto the plane and made their way onto it. Erika strapped Carter's seat into the seat since he was still sleeping. Jake and Dan sat down with the twins in their arms since their carseats were underneath the plane with the luggage. They all made small talk until the plane started up and began to take off. Everyone was sitting in their seats and Dani and Dan were asleep while the twins slept on Jake and Dan. Erika was sitting next to Carter and Jake was across from her. Carter immediately woke up when the plane started and he got startled and began to cry. Erika wasn't allowed to pick him up yet so she put his pacifier in his mouth in attempts to settle him but he was still in shock. 5 minutes later the seatbelt light went off and Erika unbuckles him and picks him up he nuzzled his face into her chest as he cried. 

" feed him it might help his ears pop" Angel said as she handed Erika a blanket from above. Erika allowed Carter to begin eating and she then covered herself. He stopped crying as they turned into wipers which made feeding him a lot harder because he was frustrated at the pressure in his head. He ate off of Erika for a while taking it very slow until Erika pulled him off. She handed him to Angel who burped him and she reached into his diaper bag and grabbed a bottle filling it with formula and adding water. She had given him formula. few times because her milk supply was not as great with him as it was with the twins. She made the bottle and handed it to Angel who began feeding it to him. He drank the bottle and eventually fell asleep. The plan ride was peaceful until the twins woke up and Paisley freaked out not knowing where she was. Dan handed her to Jake while Parker sat next to him on the iPad.  He gave her a sippy cup with some juice in it and she gladly took it and began watching what her brother was watching while she sat in her dads lap. Carter finally adjusted to the plane and was less fussy but he wanted to be held by Erika the whole plane ride. When the plane landed it was 1 o'klock in Orlando, they had rented a vacation house to stay in for the week with the whole family. It was a 9 bedroom house 

"That wasn't so bad" Jake said as the climbed into the Escalade 

" yeah besides the screaming baby in the begging and the terrified two year old halfway through the flight it was perfectly fine." Erika says as she sits next to Carter. The twins were in the other car with  Angel and Dani.

" They weren't that bad it was new for them" dan says as he buckles up into the front seat while Jake and Erika were in the back with Carter who was eating a bottle from Jake. Now that Carter had been drinking formula a little bit when he work up at night he would go tend to him incase he wanted something to eat he would feed him a bottle.  They drove to the house which was close to Disney. Jake had already gotten the keys at the airport so they pulled into the driveway they saw Jake's parents and Logan sitting in their car at the front of the house. Jake got out once they pulled up and he unlocked the door letting everyone in. 

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