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RECAP: The nurse just left

15 minutes later

PA&PI: Crying

N: um Angel what do we do

A: hold them and wait till Erika wakes up to feed them or one of you can wake her up

N: ok they continue to hold them but they are still screaming

A: neither of you are gonna wake her up

N: no I'm scared of what she's gonna do to us

A: forget it

She walks over to Erika

A: Erika get up

E: why

A: the babies are crying

E: ok bring them to me

They boys walk over to Erika but Jake was still on her shoulder

E: Babe

J: yes

E: move

J: why your so comfy

E: yeah I know but the babies gotta eat

J: ok

He sits up and puts his hand behind Erikas neck and he takes one of the babies while the other ones placed in between Erika's legs

E: ok guys I hate to do this but I need some privacy so...

UK: oh yeah we'll leave right now

E: ok thanks I don't want you to leave but this is kinda private stuff

J: yeah my wife boobs are off limits to me, Parker,and Paisley ONLY so OUT SCRAM

UK: jeez man but were leaving Bye Erika

E: bye

N: congrats guys

C: congrats

T: bye E I'll come back if I can

E: T you can stay if you want your a girl

T: oh then yeah bye guys

C: seriously you just gonna leave us hanging

T: yes... yes I am now out these kids re hungry and they can't be fed while you in ere so out out. I'll be home in a bit

C: whatever T bye

T: bye

she pushes them out of the room and shuts the door

E: thanks T I hate doing that

T: I didn't hate it they needed to leave it was getting aquaria while ya'll were sleeping

E:*laughs while she unbuttons her gown *

Erika takes Paisley ana latches her and then Parker

T: so E how does it feel being a mom

E: It's great I am very happy with this

T: Thats great Jake hows it being a dad

J: good except I can't do as many things as Erika can

E: babe... we've been over this it's fine that you can't do things you don't have boobs

J: I know

E: then please drop it

J: fine but inly because I love you

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