New Addition( I was running out of ideas I need new ones)

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Disclaimer: This is not really how an adoption process works but it's how it's gonna work for this chapter

" so we really want to do this" Jake said as Erika nodded

" I do I've always wanted to adopt and we have a chance to do it now" Erika said as Jake nodded

" ok so lets go in" Erika Jake said as they walked into the building and up to the desk

" how can I help you" the receptionist asked

" we would like to apply to adopt" Erika said as the receptionist nodded

" ok what's your name? if you want to take a seat I will call someone to come talk to you" the receptionist said as Jake and Erika sat down. A few minutes later a women walked out dressed in a pant suit/

" Mr. and Mrs. Paul" she asked as she walked over to Jake and Erika

" yes m'am" Erika said as she stood up

" if you want you can both follow me" she said as they walked down a hallway to a office

" you two can take a seat it you'd like" she said as they all three sat down

" so my name is Sarah and I here that you two would like to adopt" she asked them as they both nodded

" what made you want to adopt" she asked as Jake put his hand on Erika's leg.

" we have three kids but we wanted to give a child that didn't have a good life a good one" Erika said as the social worker nodded. 

" ok well I am going to be your social worker for this process then." she said as Erika and Jake nodded.

" ok so we have a lot of paper work to fill out right now so we might want to get started." Sarah said as Erika and Jake scooted their seats towards her desk. 

" ok so if you two would like to start filling those out I am going to ask you a few questions" Sarah said as Erika and Jake nodded

" ok so what age were you looking to adopt" Sarah asked as Erika looked at Jake and he nodded

" we want a fairly young child preferably below the age of 3 so we can actually raise them and they have a better chance of accepting me and Jake as their mom and dad and our kids as their siblings." Erika said as Sarah nodded

" and do you have a preferable gender" she asked as Jake and Erika both shook their heads as they worked on the paper work

" ok and how old are you three kids now and what are their genders" sSarah asked Erika as Erika put one of the paper on the desk.

" we have a one year old boy and a set of three year old twins one boy and one girl." Jake said as they continued to fill out paper work.

" ok and salary wise how stable are you and what are your jobs like" she asked as Jake spoke up

" I run a company and she stays at home most of the time. We are very very stable money wise" Jake said as she nodded

" ok you. can get more specific with that in the paper work" Sarah said as Erika and Jake nodded

" Are any of you kids in school" Sarah asked and Jake nodded

" The twins are in Pre School" Jake said as Sarah kept writing things down

" what are you kids names" Sarah asked

" The one year old is Carter and the twins are Parker and Paisley" Erika says as Sarah keeps writing down things. This goes on for a couple more minutes till all of the paper work if filled out. 

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