Time Skip

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5 months later ( I know big time skip) 

The twins are now one and are finally walking some. Erika is 8 months pregnant and Jake is fully healed from the car crash. They had decided not to find out the gender until the baby was born, therefore they were going to buy unisex clothes for when the baby is first born.  As of now it is 8:00 AM and the twins are waking up and wanting to be let free from their cribs. 



Erika rolls over and hits Jakes back

J: what the fuck 

E: go get them my back hurts 

J: why me 

Erika sits up and gives him the glare 

E: I'm crying your fucking child now get your ass up and move 

J: ok ok 

E: thank you 

Erika lays back down and Jake gets out of bed and goes to get the twins. 

J: good morning little munchkins 

PA: dada 

J: hey dude 

Jake changes Parkers diaper and then puts him in the floor and quickly does the same to Paisley 

J: lets go get mama up, how does that sound 


J: yeah come on 

Jake walks in to their room with the twins following closely behind him. He puts them on the bed facing Erika's back. They soon crawl over her body and Parker sits down by her belly since she was in the middle of the bed and lays his head on her stomach and Paisley does the same soon. 

E: awww hey little guys 

PA: mama 

E: Hey bud

PA: baby *he says pointing to her belly*

E: yeah mama has a baby in her belly 

Parker lays his head on her belly and Jake snaps a pic and post it to Instagram captioning it " What I look forwards to everyday" He then gets Parker off of Erika and puts them both in the floor and Erika gets up and they all walk downstairs and get some breakfast. 

J: so whats the plan for today 

E: I have an appointment at 12:00 and then nothing after that but I think that we should go shop for the baby some more 

J: ok, we need to start thinking about names for the little one

E: yep one boy and one girl name

J: but first we need to feed these two hungry monster don't we 

Jake starts to tickle them both which causes them to bust out laughing. 

E: ok dada we need to stop so we can go get some food in these two tummies 

J: ok 

Jake puts them on the ground and they walk to the stairs and then stop because their is a baby gate so they can't get down. Jake undoes it and then they scoot on their butts down the stairs and then Erika goes down and lastly Jake so that he can close the gate. They all four make it down the stairs and then Jake goes and makes the twins some eggs and Erika makes them some bottles of milk. When they get done they put them in the highchairs and give them their eggs.

PA: dada

J:whats wrong bud 

PA: gone gone 

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