Baby Shower

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Today is McKenzie's baby shower she is having a boy and they are gonna name him Cooper Levi Speiser. I am leaving Jake home with Paisley while I take Parker with me because he is being extra clingy today.

Her party is at 12:00 and it is 10:00 now so I have to feed the babies dress Parker, and get myself dressed and still go pick up the cake for McKenzie. I better get started. I start by feeding the babies and then giving them to Jake and by the time that's done it's 10:26 so I give Parker to Jake and he starts screaming for he

PA:*crying* MAMA

E: your ok buddy I will be right back

Luckily I had already taken a shower and could just throw my hair up into a messy bun and change my clothes and put on make up. I put my makeup on and then change my clothes and by the time I get done it is 11:12 so I hurray and run down the stairs to get Parker from Jake who is still screaming for me

E: babe he hasn't stopped

J: no nothing has worked

Erika sighs and takes him from Jake and he then lays his head on her chest and starts to stop crying.

E: your ok buddy mama is right here

Erika is shushing Parker while walking up the stairs to go to the nursery to change him

She gets him to stop crying and puts a pacifier in his mouth and then she goes to his closet and picks put an outfit for him to wear which looks like this

She gets him to stop crying and puts a pacifier in his mouth and then she goes to his closet and picks put an outfit for him to wear which looks like this

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I change his diaper and then change his clothes. I pack his diaper bag and then walk downstairs and tell Jake bye

E: bye baby call me if anything goes wrong 

J: bye Erika but nothing is gonna go wrong I promise. 

E: ok bye baby girl 

Paisley laughs 

J: bye buddy 

Jake rubs parkers head and he laughs

 Erika walks out to the car and buckles him into his carseat and put his diaper bag below him and then she gets in the front seat and starts to drive to the bakery to get the cake. When she arrive it is 11:39 so she gets Miles out and walks inside and gets the cake and a baker carries is out for her. She open the backseat door of the Tesla and he puts the cake in she tanks him and then straps Parker back in and closes the and starts to drive to Kade and McKenzies house. when she gets there she gets Parker outs and then walk to the door and Kade greets her

K: Hey Rik

E: Hey kade the cake is in the car but  my hands are kinda full as of now

K: oh I'll get it just open the door

E: ok 

Erika clicks the button and the door opens and he gets the cake and closes it back. He walks inside with the cake and Erika walks behind him with Parker in her arms. 

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