1st Night/Day with Carter at Home

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10:00 PM

Jake places Carter in his bassinet after swaddling him and climbs back into bed with Erika who cuddles up to him and they both falls asleep moments later. Carter however had other plans.


Carter cries have just started for the first time.

Jake wakes up and walks over to the bassinet. He picks him up and gets him to calm down before changing his diaper and bringing him to Erika.

J: babe

E: hmmm what

J: he needs to be fed

E: oh sorry

J: it's ok your tired I get it, his diaper has been changed he's just hungry now

E: ok thank you babe

Jake gives Carter to Erika who lifts her shirt and allows Carter to latch on. He falls asleep after eating for 30 minutes and Erika takes him off of her breast and lays him back in his bassinet. She fixes herself and then cuddles up to Jake and again falls asleep.

1:03 AM

Carter has just started to cry again but this time Erika wakes up first.

E: whats wrong baby boy*she whispers*

Erika slips her hands under him and gently lift him up checking the time to see if he's himgry

E: your not hungry

Erika climbs out of bed and heads for the changing table in the corner. Jake wakes up moments later and walks up behind wrapping his arms around her waist making her jump.

E: jeez

J: sorry

E: did he wake you

J: yeah it's ok though

E: he had a stinky bum and needed to be changed

J: I see that

Erika changes Carter and then Jake picks him up while she washes her hands. He climbs into bed and post a picture to instagram

@jakepaul: little man wakes up at 1 in the morning so daddy gets some late night snuggles in before mama snatches him away from me ❤️

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@jakepaul: little man wakes up at 1 in the morning so daddy gets some late night snuggles in before mama snatches him away from me ❤️

After a few minuted Erika emerges from the bathroom and climbs into bed next to Jake but Jake climbs out of bed and places a sleeping Carter into his bassinet before getting back into bed with Erika and cuddling her.

J: I love you baby

E: I love you too

3:12 AM

Carter has once again woke up and is crying. Erika quickly grabs him and lifts her shirt allowing him to latch on. He eats for a few minutes and then de-latches himself and falls asleep on her chest. She lays him back in his bassinet after posting a picture on instagram

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