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Erika POV

We have officially had Kinsley and Wyatt for 2 weeks now and it is currently December 12th. All three of mine and Jake's biological kids adore Wyatt and Kinsley. Carter still plays with Wyatt the most and Paisley still loves to hold her sister. Parker likes to play with both of them though. Me, Jake, and Kinsley were going to finish Christmas shopping today while Parker, Paisley, Carter, and Wyatt stayed with my parents. Wyatt and Kinsley met both of our families last week and Wyatt loves my mom. They were shocked to see that Kinsley was so young but they accepted both kids like they were mine and Jake Biological kids. 

" Carter, Wyatt, Parker come here," I yelled as both boys soon came running into Wyatt and Carter's joined closet. 

" strip you three," I said as they all giggled and took off their clothes. Parker helped Wyatt take his onesie off after he got his off. Carter and Wyatt soon laid on the floor so I could change their diapers and Parker slipped his pants that I had just given him on. Carter was in the process of potty training Wyatt was definitely far from it. 

" Carter bud lets go potty first," I told him as he shook his head

" I aweady did mama," he said as he grabbed his pull-up. 

" Why, you know that you're supposed to tell me and dad so that we can take you to the bathroom. 

"I playing," he said as he shrugged his shoulders

" that doesn't mean that you get to peepee on yourself. Lay down and stay there," I said as I grabbed Wyatt's diaper first. I gave it to him to hold as I took his old one off and then I replaced it with the new one. I pulled the straps on and then I stood Wyatt up. Jake came in a few seconds later with Kinsley in his arms. 

" Carter tell daddy what you did," I told Carter as he shook his head

" no, I'm sorry I wasn't asking you Carter, tell daddy what you did. " I said as Jake looked up at Jake

" potty in pull-up," Carter said as he hung his head low.

" why," Jake asked as he spun Kinsley around in his arms as he sat her back against his chest.

" I playing," he said as Jake rolled his eyes.

" Carter you have to tell me and mom when you need to potty, you can't go to school if you don't potty in the toilet and then your gonna be stuck with me and mama all day and that's no fun," Jake said as Wyatt got up. 

" where are you going mister," Jake said as Wyatt went to walk out of the room. 

" toy," he said as Jake shook his head.

" No, not right now. We're getting dressed so we can go to nanas," Jake said as Wyatt stomped his foot.

" come here," I said as I held my hand out but he crossed his arms and shook his head.

" Wyatt Reid, come here," I said as he shook his head and attempted to run out of the room. 

" no, " Wyatt said as Jake grabbed his arm and Wyatt went limp. Jake put Wyatt down on the floor where he laid face first and pouted. 

" Parker, can you put your shirt on?" I asked him and he nodded. 

" Carter can you be a big boy and put your shirt on after mama puts your pant's on," I asked Carter and he nodded. 

"Wyatt," I said as Jake held Kinsley in one arm. 

" pway," he said as I shook my head.

" No bud, it's time to get dressed so we can go somewhere. We'll play when we get back home," I said as he looked up at me but shook his head. I gave Parker his shirt to put on and he did then I gave him his socks and shoes. He could put them on, but he couldn't tie them. 

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