Coming Home

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Jake POV

Today Erika and Carter were coming home. Erika's parents were going to keep the twins for the night so we could get one night alone with the baby before they came barging into his life bringing al of the noise that comes with them. As of now me and Erika are packing the hospital bag to leave. We have to check out and then we can leave.

J: Babe


J: please sit down I can do this

E: Jake I'm fi

J: Erika please just sit down and let me do it you don't need to overwork yourself and then not be able to walk

E: fine I need to feed him anyways

J; thank you

Nobody POV

Erika picks Carter up and out of the bassinet and walks over to the bed. She sits on it lifting her shirt and undoing her nursing bra all with one hand while she bring his head to her breast. Jake finishes packing the bag and goes downstairs ,taking all of the bags, to get the carseat. He comes back and walks up to the room as he was walking in the nurse was walking out

N: see you later Jake

J: bye thanks so much

N: no problem

Jake walks into the room and Erika was burping the baby

J: are we checked out

E: yep

J: alright are you ready to go

E: as soon as I use the bathroom

J: ok give me little man and you go deal with that

Jake puts the carseat on the bed and takes Carter from Erika. When he does he begins to wiper

E: you ok buddy mama will be right back

Jake gets him to be quiet and Erika goes to the bathroom. Jake puts him in the carseat and buckles and setting it on the floor. Erika emerges out of the bathroom moments later and the nurse comes in with a wheelchair for Erika.

N: is everyone ready

J: I believe so babe you ready

E: yep

N: ok then mom if you want to hop in this chair and dad can carry baby out that would be great

Erika picks her phone up and they start their way out of the hospital. Jake had already pulled the car up so when they got out their he helped Erika into the backseat then put Carter next to her.

J: ok we are all set, thanks so much

N: no problem call us if you have any problems

J: will do

Jake waves goodbye and then goes to get in the front seat and they start to head home.

Carter starts to cry halfway through the car ride which is only around 20 minutes long.

Erika snaps her head towards him and puts his pacifier in his mouth but he doesn't stop crying

E: I don't think someone likes his carseat very much

J: neither do I

Erika places her hand on his chest and shh's him which he eventually stops crying and it turns into a small whimper. As Jake pulls into the driveway he opens the gate and pulls into the garage. HE gets out and then opens Erika's door helping her out.

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