Coming Home

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Today is the day that Erika and Jake bring home Kinsley and Wyatt. 

" dada where we goin" Parker asked Jake as Jake changed his clothes from his pajamas to a day outfit

" me and mama are going to go get your new brother and sister. Remember when me and mama told you about them a while ago." Jake asked Parker and he nodded

" well me and mama are going to go pick them up and uncle Logan and Aunt Chloe are going to stay with you, Paisley, and Carter and play with you guys while me and mama are gone is that ok with you" Jake asked Parker who nodded and stepped into his pants and then let Jake put his short on and then his socks and shoes. 

" ok go play with your sissy and brother," Jake said as Parker ran out of the room. Jake walked into his room and finished getting dressed as Erika walked out of the bathroom already dressed. 

" you almost ready to leave we are supposed to meet her in 45 minutes and it takes thirty minutes to get there," Erika said as Jake nodded and put his shirt on before he jelled his hair and then slipped his shoes on before walking downstairs.

" do we have what we need," Jake asked as Erika nodded

" yeah, the car seats are in the car the diaper bag is packed, all we need are the kids," Erika said as Jake nodded. They said goodbye to Paisley, Parker, Carter, Chloe, and Logan before the walked out of the door

" goodbye guys thank you so much for watching them. We will return with two new babies" Jake said as he and Erika walked out of the car.  They both climbed in and then headed towards the orphanage. 

" are you nervous," Erika asked Jake and he nodded

" I'm scared that they aren't gonna like living with us because we aren't their parents and they still don't know that their parents aren't alive. " Jake said and Erika nodded

" I know that Kinsley won't know any different because she didn't really know her dad and she was not born yet but Wyatt lived with them for over a year. " Erika said as Jake nodded

" I know but we're gonna make it as easy for both of them as possible. " Jake said as he placed his hand on Erika's leg and squeezed it. They sat with the radio on for a while before they pulled up to the orphanage and saw Sarah's car with her standing outside of it. They both got out and then walked up to her car

" hey guys" Sarah said as she hugged Jake and Erika

" are you guys ready to go inside and get your babies. Wyatt still looks for you two and still cries" Sarah said as they all three walked inside together. They walked to the office and sat down in the chairs were April was filling out papers. 

" Hey, guys welcome back," April said as she sat up in her chair. 

" Alright so if you two don't mind signing a few papers, we are gonna have a small conversation about doctors and such and then we can go get your two kiddos," April said as Erika and Jake both signed the papers. 

" ok, so Kinsley is in need of a two-week doctor visit. Do you two have a doctor that you prefer to take them to or do you want us to refer you to one" April asked as Erika put her pin down

" we have one. " Erika said as Jake set his pin down

" ok and Wyatt does have an allergy to peanuts," April said as she signed the papers that Erika and Jake had just signed and then Sarah signed them as well.

" ok," Erika said

" We are going to give you a copy of their file and this will have all of their medical histories in it like shot records new birth certificates and such. " April said as she stood up

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