Will it ever happen

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1 month later 

Erika has been on her medicine for 1 moth and her and Jake have tried 2 times today they go back to the doctor and get more medicine.

J: you ready babe

E: yeah I guess,  just feel like it's never gonna happen

J: babe you know this can take years to get pregnant

E: I know but I don't think that I can wait years

They get in the car and head to the doctors office they check in and get called back

D: welcome back Mrs.Paul, how are you doing today

E: I could be better

D: ok so were going to do some more blood work and see if your levels have risen dropped or stayed the same

E: ok

They do the blood work and she comes back

D: ok so its not the best outcome but it isn't the worst, your levels haven't changed in month. We're glad that they haven't dropped but we wish that they could have gone up. We are gonna bump up your dosage and hope that that help you put a little bit more.

E: ok, do you think that I will ever get pregnant

D: its never certain but I have had people with worse cases come in and have gotten pregnant 3 different times and have 3 kids. So it is possible

E: ok thank you

 They check out and another 2 months go by and Jake and Erika have tried 6 different times and they head back to the doctor tomorrow to check back and see if her levels have changed.

They check in and get called back the same process happens all over again

D: ok so you levels have dropped this time. 

Erika starts to cry and the doctor gives her a tissue

E: thank you

D: so I don't think that the medicine is working so I think that we need to start IVF and hope that that works. 

Erika huffs and cries even more. Jake grabs her hand and squeezes it 

J: so how much is it gonna cost per round

D: anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 

J: wow thats a lot

D: it is but its our last hope until we have to go to adoption

Erika begins to cry into Jakes chest

D: I'll leave you two alone. Once she gets ready you can check out and leave

J: ok thank you

D: no problem

J: come on baby lets go home and cuddle

E: I want to have a baby so bad Jake

J: I know baby I know but we can try IVF and then go from there

They check out and go home and walk in

T: so what happened this time

J: her levels dropped and we have to start IVF

T: oh, I'm sorry Erika 

E: its ok its not your fought

J: were gonna go upstairs and go to sleep now T

T: ok love you Rik

E: love you to T

They head upstairs and go to sleep

9 months later

Erika was in there bedroom and had another negative pregnancy test in her hand and Jake was holding her while she cried

E: 8 test Jake 8 different test and we still aren't pregnant.

J: I know baby I'm sorry

E: I just don't know if it'll ever happen

J: it'll happen baby I know it will

They go to sleep

1 month later 

They have been married for 2 years and it was their last time trying IVF before they gave up Erika's body and mind couldn't handle anymore stress

They go back in for the last time and the procedure is done and they head home to try to get pregnant. Erika has stopped enjoying it because she knew that she was dong it to get pregnant and they had to

2 weeks later

Erika goes to take her last test she goes to the bathroom and pees on the stick. She walk out and sits on the bed with Jake

They wait and they wait until

E: Gasp and starts too cry


E: I'm Pregnant


They kiss and Tessa runs up the stairs

T: is everything ok in here 

E: T I'M PREGNANT* she shows her the test

T:OH MY GOD RIK YOUR PREGNANT * she starts to cry with her she hugs her and they schedule the appointment for next week.



Hey author here Is Erika pregnant this time or is she gonna miscarry again. Comment what you think. Peace 

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