Chapter 1

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      It had been a year since the day Kristina had been rushed to General Hospital to give birth to a healthy Morgan Forsythe Corinthos Davis. She and Parker still lived in the same house, although that's not to say they didn't baby proof every square inch of it. Things were different now, definitely never a dull moment. Parker and Kristina had discussed getting a nanny, but in the end had decided one of them would end up staying home until the baby started school. Kristina ended up playing that role simply because she knew Parker would be miserable if she had to give up teaching, and then there was that whole thing where she had just gotten her job back right before they had got married. Now it was about to be Morgan's first birthday and there was supposed to be a big party for him. Pretty much his entire family was going to be there, both sets of grandparents included. You can't say the kid didn't know he was loved, that's for sure.  For the time being however, he was sound asleep in his room. Or so they thought he was.
      "Baaaaaaabe," Kristina whined when she looked over at the clock. It was only 2:27 in the morning. Morgan was not sleeping very well. "What-" Parker said half asleep before realizing the baby was crying in the monitor. "Alright, alright. I got him. Go back to sleep." She told her and kissed her head before getting out of bed and walking down the hall. When she got to Morgan's room, she picked him up and started walking around with him a bit.
      "Hey big boy," She whispered to him. "You're supposed to be asleep kiddo." She told him rubbing his back. He wasn't really a talker yet, but he laid his head down on his mother's shoulder as she spoke. "Today's gonna be a super fun day, but you are gonna wanna be well rested, trust me. Anytime your family gets together it has a 50/50 chance of getting wild." She heard his breathing pattern change and that let her know he had fallen back asleep. He definitely looked like Kristina and even slept like her too. She put him back in his crib and he sprawled his entire body out just like she did. Parker giggled and walked back to the bedroom. She climbed back in and a sleepy Kristina put her head on her chest. "Is he out?" She asked, literally still asleep. "Yes, and so are you. I'll see you in the morning." She said running her fingers through the smaller girl's hair until she herself fell asleep.

     When Parker woke up, she was alone. Kristina must have let her sleep in a little since she was on night time duty last night. She got up and found both Kristina and Morgan playing in the floor of the living room. Kristina had his hands and were clapping them together singing  some kind of nursery rhyme to him when she walked in. The baby and Kristina both saw her and they both smiled the same big smile. Kristina got up and left him in the floor with his blocks while she walked across the room.
     "Good morning mama." Kristina said, visibly tired but still smiling. "Sleep well?" She asked before turning around and putting her back into the taller girl so they could still keep an eye on Morgan. "It was alright," Parker replied. "You could have gotten me up this morning you know?" She informed her, wrapping her arms around the other girl and giving a slight, squeezing hug. Kristina nodded. "I know, but I wasn't much help last night. Thought I'd try and make up for it a little." Parker kissed the top of her head and let go so she could go see the baby. She plopped down in the floor next to him while Kristina walked into the kitchen.
     "Hey birthday boy!" She told him, picking him up and putting him in her lap. "Hope you are feeling better than last night cause we are gonna have a houseful today young man and everyone is gonna want to hold you." She paused for a moment and thought about it. She shook her head and looked down at the big brown eyed boy, "I want to apologize ahead of time for that." She told him kissing his little hands.  "They just love you like crazy is all. Just like your mom and me." He made some unintelligible noises but gave her a big smile and a squeal which said enough.
      Kristina came back from the kitchen with  some coffee for Parker. "Today is gonna get crazy," Kristina said as she poked Morgan's belly. "But you, my little dude, are gonna have so much fun."  Parker handed the baby to Kristina as she took the coffee. "He really is," She said with a laugh. "He's going to get so spoiled today." Kristina put Morgan down on the floor by her feet with a couple toys. "Tell me about it. They're gonna be buying him all sorts of toys, but what he really needs is clothes. And diapers. God he goes through so many diapers!"
Parker laughed. "It's what babies do," She said with a shrug. "But I did mention that to my mother when she asked what he liked." Kristina gave her a confused look. Parker clarified. "I told him he liked a clean butt." She said with a laugh. Kristina chuckled a little herself and nodded in agreement. "I hope he likes what we got him." She told her as she looked down at their son who was now attempting to eat one of his toys. "Does that taste good?" She asked him and he gurgled and kept gnawing away at it. "I guess we should probably add teething rings to that list of things he needs." She said making a sour face.
       Just then the doorbell rang. "Who is that this early?" Parker asked and Kristina shrugged. "I have no idea." She said and Parker got up to answer the door. When she opened it she wasn't really that surprised to see who it was. They had pretty much both just learned to deal with each other over the years, or at least pretend to, for Kristina's sake and now Morgan's too.
      "Good morning Alexis." She told her. Alexis returned the greeting. "Good morning Parker. Am I too early? Are they still sleeping?" She asked and Kristina walked in carrying Morgan. "OOOOOOH There he is!" She said immediately reaching out for him. Kristina happily handed him over to his grandmother and they went walking off around the house.
"I take it she's here to help us get ready?" Parker asked. Kristina bit her lip and shrugged. "I guess so. She can just play with the baby while we set up. She'll be out of the way." She told her with a laugh. "If you say so Mobster Princess." Parker replied, kissing the other girl. "We probably should start getting things ready though." "I do say so Professor. But yes, lets. If not, it's never gonna be done by noon."

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