Chapter 46

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     "I'm gonna get you mom!" Parker heard when she woke up the next morning. She walked downstairs and found both her son and her wife sitting in front of the tv playing the xbox. "Oh my jeez," Parker said when she saw them. "Both of your tongues are hanging out of your faces by the way." Kristina waved off the comment. "You're just mad cause we dont have an Xstation." Morgan started laughing which made Kristina start laughing. "Okay mom," He said, having to pause the game. "That was a good one!"  Parker rolled her eyes. "You two! I said it one time. Once!" She said shaking her head. "Let it go children." 
      Morgan continued laughing so Kristina poked him in his ribs. "We gotta quit laughing. It's making mama feel bad." She told him. He got up and walked over to Parker. He hugged her tight, "It's okay mama. There probably will be an Xstation soon." He said laughing again but taking off running up the stairs. "Love you!" He shouted as he went. 
       Parker walked over to where Kristina was and pulled her up to her feet. "You have to admit, it is pretty funny." The smaller woman said with a smile, pulling Parker in for a kiss. "Only a little. It's more embarrassing than funny."  Kristina shook her head. "No baby. What would have been embarrassing would have been if you would have used the term around anyone else. Morgan and I think its hilarious." 
        "Anyway," Parker continued. "What are we doing today?" She asked. "Do we have any plans?" Kristina shook her head. "Not that I know of. Why?" Parker shrugged. I was trying to think of something to do family wise. Do you have any ideas?" Kristina made an expression indicating that she was thinking. "We could take him to a movie?" She suggested. Parker shook her head no. "We've tried that remember? He doesn't like to sit still that long." Kristina nodded in agreement. "I had forgotten about that. What about the baseball field?" She suggested next. Parker gave that some thought. "Actually, that might be a good idea. He mentioned something about wanting to do more things like that."
     Kristina got up off the floor. "Alright then. We can go after you eat." She said, pointing out the pancakes on a plate setting on the kitchen table. Parker gave her a look. "I don't wanna hear about you not being a breakfast person," Kristina told her in a tone. "Eat." She told Parker who had gotten the point and sulked her way into the kitchen.  When she sat down at the table, she heard a whisper in her ear. "I figured you would have an appetite worked up by now anyway." She felt a kiss on her head and turned around to watch her walk out that room. I'm so gay. She thought to herself as she took a bite. 

     Parker drove them to the ballpark in her truck. When they got there, it was pretty much empty. "Are you okay with just playing with me and mom?" She asked her son. "I don't care, as long as I get to bat first!" He said, opening the door and taking off from the backseat. ''We've created a monster." Parker joked. "Yeah," Kristina agreed, "but he's a beautiful one." Parker smiled. "Just like his mother." 
      They met up with Morgan on home base. "Mom is gonna pitch to you and I'm gonna go out in the outfield. Do we need to practice first?" Parker asked him. He shook his head no. "I know how to hit a ball mama." He said sarcastically. She threw her hands up and stepped away. "Yes sir." She said running over to the pitcher's mound. "You got this?" She asked the smaller woman who nodded and gave her a quick kiss. "I wasn't kidding when I said I used to play." She informed her. "Although I think I'm gonna scoot up a little so he can hit it. You can stand where I'm standing." 
      Parker grabbed Kristina by the waist and moved her out of the way. "What?" She said when she saw the look she got. "I just wanted to touch you." She said with a wink and Kristina rolled her eyes. "Don't get ahead of yourself now mama." She said as she walked away. "You'll be pitching to me soon enough." Parker laughed and shook her head. Lord help us all.
      Kristina threw several balls before Morgan ever made contact with one, but when he did his face lit up. "Mom! Did you see that? Did you see how far it went?" He asked, hopping up and down. "Yes I did! But you better run the bases before mama throws the ball back and I get you out." She said laughing. He took off running as Parker took her time throwing it back, making sure he got his home run. As soon as he hit home plate, Kristina had the ball back. "Man, you were fast!'' She told him. "I can't believe you did that!" Parker said, playing into her lady's game. "Way to go little man!" She told him.  "I believe that means it's my turn to pitch?" 
      Morgan nodded his head and ran over to first base while Parker ran to the pitcher's mound. She waited for Kristina to get into her batting stance before she spoke. "Are you sure you're ready?" She asked, wanting to make sure that Kristina could see and all that. She'd never forgive herself if she hit her with the ball. "It's fine babe, just throw the ball."
     So Parker did, and when she did she almost immediately had to duck. "Home run! Home run!" Morgan cheered as his mother ran to first, second, third, and then home base. She tossed her bat down and walked up to the blonde. "What?" She asked, taking in the look of surprise on Parker's face. "You thought I could only pitch?" She said giving her wife a quick kiss. "Your turn." She said as she took the ball out of Parker's hands and smacked her on the butt causing her to jump and giggle a little. "Yeah," Parker said. "We could be here for a while then, cause baseball is not my strong suit." 
       When she got to the batting plate, she noticed that Kristina was now on first base and Morgan was pitching. "What?" Morgan asked. "Mom said you needed someone to go easy on you." Kristina busted out laughing. "What part of *Don't tell her I said that* did you not understand?" Parker shook her head and laughed. It's not like they were lying.

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