Chapter 15

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     Kristina pulled up in her mother's driveway the next morning. She had decided to leave Parker and Morgan at home this time, because well, she knew herself pretty well and so did they. She walked in and found her mother looking at some files at her desk. 
     "Care to tell me why you bailed last night?" Kristina asked, getting straight to the point. Alexis looked up apparently just now noticing Kristina was even there. "Well hello to you too then." She said sarcastically. "What are you talking about?" Kristina rolled her eyes. "You know exactly what I'm talking about." She told her folding her arms. Alexis stared at her blankly and in confusion. "Not sure that I do." She replied. "Try filling me in?" "Mom! The fundraiser/community Christmas party at Perks was last night!" 
    Suddenly Alexis' face went blank. "Crap." She said. "Was  that last night?" Kristina nodded. "I'm so sorry!" Alexis told her sincerely. "I'm a day behind. I've been working on this case for a week and I must have lost track of time. I promise I didn't miss it on purpose." Kristina's face softened a little. She knew her mother was telling the truth. "It's okay I guess." She said. "Want to tell me how it went?" Alexis asked her and Kristina walked over to the couch and sat down. 
    "Well, I gave a speech." She informed her. "We also raised a few thousand for the True Colors Fund. A lot of kids will have food, shelter, and basic needs taken care of for a little bit now. " She told her. "It was a way bigger turn out than expected.  There were so many people that Parker had to carry Morgan through the crowd." She said with a laugh. "He, by the way had a great time. Grampa gave him hot cocoa, even when he was told not to." Alexis shrugged and cocked her head to the side. "Sounds like something he would do." She told her. "He was asleep before we even left the party." Kristina said with a smile. 
     "While you're here, I wanted to ask you about the family holiday get together." Alexis mentioned. "I'm gonna assume you guys will be coming, yes?" Kristina nodded her head. "We have one at dad's to go to too. The next few days are going to be busy." She said. "Alright, well ours is tomorrow." Alexis told her. "Works for me." Kristina told her standing up. "I really should get back to them." She told her mother, referring to Parker and the baby. "Morgan is still teething and he's been a little fussy today." She admitted. "I feel bad for leaving them." "Give my grandson love from me." Alexis told Kristina as she hugged her goodbye. "Alright mom. See you later." She said and walked out the door to head home. 

     She made it home and could hear Morgan crying before she even opened the door. She opened it to see Parker trying to soothe him and failing. "Want some help?" She asked the blonde, reaching out for their son. Parker handed him to her. "I think he's got even more teeth trying to pop through. Poor kid." She said. 
     Kristina walked around with him and got out one of the new teething rings she just bought. "Here." She told him. "It's not frozen yet, but it's chewy and it's cold." He put it in his mouth and started chomping and drooling all over the place. Kristina wiped her arm off on with her shirt sleeve. "I will never be able to understand how you do that. I've been trying to calm him down for like 20 minutes now." Kristina shook her head. "It's not me this time, its the teething ring. Speaking of," She said pulling another one still in it's package out of her purse. "Will you rinse this off and put it in the freezer please?" She asked tossing Parker the other teething ring. "Got it." Parker replied and went into the kitchen.
     "Is that helping?" She asked the now calm toddler as she sat down with him in a chair. He looked at her but kept chewing. "Good." She told him. "I know it doesn't feel like it right now, especially for you,'' She said. "But it really is better for your teeth to be coming in like this. The more teeth you have coming in now, the faster you can be done with it." She informed hm. "And then you get to eat all the good stuffs." She kissed his head. "Soon though." Parker came back from the kitchen. "I see he's worn himself out." She said, eyeing the mellow boy. Kristina agreed. "It looks like it." She said laying him in his playpen in the living room for a nap while they went into the kitchen. 
    "How'd it go with Alexis?" Parker asked as she poured her wife a fresh cup of coffee. "It was alright I guess." Kristina told her. "She's working a big case and she got caught up in it. She didn't miss it intentionally, so I guess that makes me feel a little better.'' Parker took a sip from her cup. "That's good. At least you know now that it wasn't because she didn't support what you were doing." Kristina nodded. "Oh and before I forget. We have the annual holiday get together at Mom's tomorrow." She told the blonde. "Already?" Parker said and then dramatically banged her head on the counter. Kristina laughed and took this opportunity to playfully mock her wife. "Oh, but she's only doing it because she cares Kristina."

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