Chapter 41

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     Kristina and Parker were sitting in the living room when they heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it!" They heard from upstairs right before they heard the thumping of Morgan running down them towards the door. "Who is that?" Kristina asked. "Are you expecting anyone?" Parker shook her head. "No. I haven't even told anyone where we live yet." She replied. Shortly after, Morgan came skipping into the living room and plopping down on the couch between them. "Guess who's here?" He said excitedly.
    About two seconds later, Molly and TJ walked in the room. "Wow!" Kristina's younger sister said. "It's super nice in here! I didn't even think it was possible for you two to upgrade after the last one, but I stand corrected." She said leaning down towards her little, big sister and giving her a hug. "Parker found it and once Morgan saw it," Kristina explained shaking her head, "There was no getting out of it." Parker laughed. "Don't let her fool you," The blonde said, also getting a hug from her sister in law, "Kristina likes it too, even if she doesn't want to admit it." TJ sat down on the other couch. "It really is nice. I like it." He stated. "Thank you!" Parker told him. "See?" She said, looking at her wife. "They like it too." 
     "How did you guys know how to get here?" Kristina asked. "Not that I mind or anything, because I'm completely thrilled that you did. "Alexis tipped Molly off the other day." TJ told her. "Yeah," Molly said. "By the way, you should call her before she pulls all of her hair out. She said she hasn't seen Morgan in almost a month." She told her sister, giving her a look. Kristina rolled her eyes. "Of course she sent you out here." She said, slightly annoyed. "We've just been moving and Parker built this tree house for Morgan. We haven't really had the time to bring him out there." Morgan took this as an opportunity to interject. "Hey uncle TJ, wanna see it?" TJ looked over at Molly and shrugged. "Alright little dude, let's see it." He said and they went outside leaving the three of them to discuss Alexis.
     "We can take him home with us if you want? He can spend the night at our house and I can take him by mom's tomorrow." Molly told Parker and Kristina. Kristina knew Alexis really was missing him and wasn't trying to get under her skin. She also knew that she was always using Molly as a messenger. "It's fine with me if it's okay with her," She said, pointing to the blonde. "Do me a favor though. When you take him, be sure and tell her that she does have both mine and Parker's numbers. All of them. From work numbers to cell's to the house phone. She can call and ask herself." Molly cocked an eyebrow. "She already knows that, she just doesn't want any confrontations."
      Parker decided to leave the room briefly on that note knowing quite well how this conversation could end. "I'm gonna get some coffee. Do you want any?" She asked her wife. Kristina handed her the mug she had. "Thanks babe." Parker looked at Molly. "You want anything Molly?" Molly nodded. "I'll take a coke if you've got one." Parker gave her a thumbs up. "Yes we do." She kissed her wife on her head. "I'll be right back." She told her and then went into the kitchen. 
      Now that Parker had left, Kristina decided to pick up on where they had left off.  "There is nothing to get confrontational about. I just want her to not go overboard when it comes to buying him things." Kristina explained. "She has this thing where she thinks she needs to get him the most expensive toys and things like that. We're trying to raise him to where as far as toys and things go that he doesn't necessarily have to get today's new fads. There are a lot of children who don't have access to what he has as it is. He needs to know that there are kids out there who would love to have a life he has. We just want him to be grateful, not spoiled."
       Molly took her sister's hand. "I fully understand where you're coming from, I really do." Kristina sighed. "Then why do I feel like you're about to tell me to let it go?" Molly smiled. "Because I am. She's just being a grandmother. It's what they do. They spoil their grandchildren. If you think it will help, I'll talk to her about it." Kristina leaned in and hugged her sister. "Thank you." She told her. "He really does love going to her house, although for the past week I can't seem to get him out of that damn tree house for longer than just to go to bed. He even eats in it." They both laughed. "He definitely doesn't get his rural fascinations from you does he?" Molly joked and Kristina shook her head. "Nope, that's all Parker right there." She said still laughing.
      "Am I in trouble?" Parker said with a smile when she walked back in. She handed Kristina her coffee and Molly her soda. "What did I miss?" She asked, sitting down and putting her arm around Kristina's shoulder. The smaller woman leaned into her. "Nothing really. Morgan is gonna spend the night with Molly and TJ if that's okay with you. They were gonna take him to see mom tomorrow." Parker shrugged and looked at Molly. "That's fine with me. Are you sure you can handle him?" Molly let out a loud fake laugh. "Him I can handle, TJ not so much. It's probably gonna be harder to get him out of that tree house than Morgan." She told them. "They are two of a kind and they get along so well."
      Parker pulled out a walkie talkie. "This is how we get Morgan in the house." She said, pushing the button. "Hey kiddo, can you hear me?" A few seconds later they heard the voice of the little boy on the device. "Loud and clear mama. Is it time to come in?" He asked. She pushed the button once more. "If you wanna go home with aunt Molly and TJ, yes. You need to come get a bag ready." They heard the walkie click back. "Alright! We're coming!" He said and the line went dead. "I'm assuming TJ will be with him?" Molly cocked a brow. "Not to mock your roots or anything, but don't count your chickens before they hatch." Kristina lost it and began laughing, earning a glare from her wife. ''What?" She asked, wiping a tear away. "Oh come off it babe, it's funny!" She said. "Besides, I love that you aren't a city girl." She told her giving her a kiss. "I for one know for a fact that I will not be chopping any wood this winter. That's what country girls are for." She joked. "Yeah, yeah." Parker said, giving into Kristina's laughter. Why is her smile so contagious? She asked herself for the five millionth time since she met her.

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