Chapter 22

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    Parker and Kristina pulled into the school parking lot about 10 minutes early.  "I hope he had a good day." Parker said from the driver's seat of the truck her father had given them when they moved back to Port Charles. "I'm sure he did," Kristina told her, squeezing the hand she was already holding. "He probably made like a gazillion friends and won't even want to come home." She joked. Parker shook her head. "If he gets in this truck and says he doesn't want to come home, we are homeschooling him." Kristina laughed at her over dramatic wife. "And you say I'm the soap star." 
    Not much more than a few minutes later, their curly headed little boy came running down the steps to his parents. "Mama! Mommy!" He said with a giant smile as he let himself into the backseat. He got in his seat and buckled up. "Guess what?" He told them. Kristina and Parker both turned around to face him. "What?" They asked in unison. "I made this for you guys!" He said excitedly, pulling two pieces of paper out of his back pack. He handed them each their own picture. "Wow!" Parker said, looking at the noodle art in front of her. She had no idea what it was, but she wasn't about to tell him that. "This is amazing! Thank you so much!" "Yours is abscrat." He informed her. "I think you mean abstract." She told him, ruffling his hair. "It's the best gift I've ever recieved." She told him truthfully. Kristina looked down at hers. It was a snowman with pretzel arms and gumdrop buttons. One of the buttons was missing. "Sorry Mommy. I got hungry." He told her and both of his parents laughed. "It's alright Morgan. It's still beautiful. Thank you! I love it." She told him as she handed it to the woman in the passenger seat and started the car.
     "Did you have a good day?" She asked as they pulled out of the parking lot. "Yes ma'am." He replied. "We had cookies for snack and we have this thing called recess! MOM, we have a playground and I get to play outside 2 times a day!" He informed her excitedly. Parker smiled at his enthusiasm. "Yup." She told Kristina. "He's yours." She joked. Kristina rolled her eyes. "Watch this." She told her. She looked in the rear view mirror at their son. "Hey Morgan?" "Yes mommy?" He replied. "Did you learn anything today?" The little boy's face lit up. "YES!" He began. "I learned how to count to 10 in spanish and I learned how to mix colors. Did you know that blue and red make purple?" He asked. "I did not!" Kristina told him trying not to end his confidence. "That's amazing!" She said as she turned to face her wife. "Yeah... He's nerding out. He's definitely yours too." She kissed the blondes hand. "We did a good job with him." She admitted and Parker nodded her head as she looked back at the happy boy in the backseat. "That we did," She said with a smile. "That we did.

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