Chapter 21

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                                                                          4 Years Later

        "Morgan!" Parker yelled from the kitchen. "Come on kid, it's time to eat." A 5 year old, still curly headed,  Morgan came out of his room holding his Lightning McQueen backpack. "I'm coming!" He yelled back. He plopped his bag down on the floor next to the table so he could eat his breakfast. "Is mom still taking me to school today?" He asked, taking a bite of his cereal. Parker nodded. "She's just getting ready for work. She'll be out in a minute." She informed him. 
      A few minutes later Kristina came into the kitchen. She bent down and kissed the top of Morgan's head before moving on to the lips of her wife. "Good morning, my two favorite people." She told them with a smile. "Morning mom!" Her son replied. "Are you still taking me to school?" Parker sighed. "I told him you were, but I guess he doesn't believe me." She said with a laugh. "Heck yes I'm taking you, but only if you pay me." His face got serious. "But mom," he said suddenly sad. "I don't have any money." Kristina ruffled his hair. "It's a good thing I don't take money as payment then. You have to pay me in kisses." She informed him. "Kisses? " He asked, looking from Kristina to Parker who had thrown her hands up in surrender. "She's not lying. She likes to be paid in kisses." Parker assured her son. "Yup," Kristina continued. "And food too!" She told him, quickly stealing a bite of his toast. "Hurry up sweetie." She told him. "You don't wanna be late for your first day!"
    He finished up his breakfast and grabbed his backpack. "Bye mama!" He told Parker, running to hug her before they left. "Love you!" He said and he planted a kiss on her cheek. "I'll miss you. See you after school!" He turned to face Kristina. "Can I go sit in the car?" He asked excitedly. Kristina hit the unlock button on her keys. "Go ahead, I'll be there in a minute." She told the boy who literally ran out the front door. She walked up to the blonde she'd been married to for the past 6 years. 
     "I can't believe he's starting school today." Parker said, starting to tear up. "Don't cry," Kristina told her. "If you cry, I'm definitely gonna start crying and I still have a meeting in an hour." She said with a breaking voice but still a smile on her face. "He's gotten so big." She admitted with a sigh. "I hope he has a good day." "I'm sure he will," Parker assured her. "You have a good day too okay?" Kristina leaned in for a kiss goodbye. "It shouldn't be too long. I just have to train Melissa for the management position so I'll only be gone til about 1." Kristina informed her. "Sounds good," Parker said, sealing the kiss. "Drive safe!" She told Kristina as she watched her walk out the front door. Kindergarten already. She thought to herself. Where did the time go?

     Kristina and Morgan pulled up to the school. "Are you ready?" She asked him. The earlier excited boy was now squirming in his booster seat. "No." He admitted. "I wanna go home." Kristina unbuckled her seatbelt and climbed into the backseat so she could talk to him. "What's changed since this morning?" She asked him. "You were super excited for it this morning." He made a scrunched up sour face that resembled his mother's something fierce. "What if I don't make any friends? Or if I don't understand what the teacher says? Or if someone makes fun of my hair?" Kristina took his little face in her hands. 
     "You listen to me right now, okay?" She said, getting his attention. "You will definitely make a friend today, if not more. Second, it's kindergarten baby. You are gonna put these kids to shame with how intelligent you are." Then she leaned down and spoke in a whisper. "You didn't hear that from me though. And as far as your hair?" She said running her fingers through it one last time to make sure it was nice and neat. "You have your Uncle Morgan's hair. If anything, people might be jealous." She told him with a smile. "Uncle Morgan is who I'm named after right?" He asked as his mother unbuckled him. "Yes sir." She told him. "You would have liked him and he would have loooooooved you." She kissed the boy on his cheek before helping him get out of the car and walking him to his classroom inside. 
     Kristina found the right classroom, but stopped him right before he went in. She knelt down on her knees. "I'm really proud of you ya know?" She told him, pulling him in for a hug. "You're a brave, big boy now." She said, adjusting the straps of his backpack. "Do you want me or Mama to pick you up later?" She asked. His grip squeezed around her neck. "Can't you both pick me up?" He asked and she heard his voice breaking. She pulled back and saw tears running down his face. She wiped the off with her sleeve. "Hey." She told him. "I know it's scary, but it's going to be fine I promise." He nodded his head and straightened his jacket. "Okay." He said firmly. "This is it." He gave his mother one more hug and a kiss before turning to walk in the classroom and leaving his mother standing alone in the hall with a single tear running down her face. Her son had officially started his first day of school.

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