Chapter 43

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     "Are you ready to go?" Kristina asked Morgan, who was putting his jacket on. "Yup. Where's mama?" He asked. Kristina walked to the foot of the stares. "Babe!"She yelled up the stairs. "I'm coming!" She heard faintly. She walked back over to Morgan. "She'll be down in a second. Are you excited?" She asked him. Morgan walked over to the door. "Yes. Can we go now?" He whined. Kristina shook her head. "We can't leave without your mother, so be patient." She told him firmly. "I promise Scout and Danny will still be there whenever we get there." 
      Morgan began hanging on the door knob. "I'm ready to go now." He said angrily. "Is that how we talk to her young man?" Parker asked him, walking down the stairs. "No." He said with a sulk. "Okay then. Apologize to her right now or you won't be going anywhere." Morgan opened his mouth to speak. "No buts!" Parker interrupted. "Apologize right now." Morgan turned around to face Kristina. "Sorry mom." He said and then he looked back at Parker. "Good boy." She told him. "You can go to the car and get strapped in now." He walked out the door stomping his feet.
     "What's up with him?" Parker asked her wife, who was clearly stressed out by the behavior of their son. "I have no idea. He's been in a mood today. Surely he isn't hitting puberty already?" Kristina asked. Parker laughed. "Honey, he's only 5. He's still got a while for that. I'll talk to him about it later and see what's up. Maybe I can get him to fill me in.'' Kristina leaned in and kissed the blonde softly. "Thank you. He's been acting a little off since he came back from mom's. I hope he's okay." Parker kissed Kristina again. "He's fine love. He's also in the car already." She said opening the front door. "Are we meeting Sam and Jason at the resturant?" Kristina nodded, walking out the door. "We might be a little late, but they should already be there. Do you wanna drive?" Parker nodded and Kristina handed her the keys. "I hate driving on this road. Too many curves. Let's go." She said, hopping into the passenger seat. "I'm starving."

      They made it to the Metro Court and found out where they were supposed to be seated. They saw Jason and Sam almost instantly. "Danny!" Morgan yelled and he ran over to sit with his cousins. "Hey you two!" Sam said, hugging her sister and her sister in law. "We were wondering if something had came up. We were just about to call." Parker pulled a chair out for Kristina so she could sit down. "No need to worry, we were just running a little behind on getting ready. We lost track of time." 
      "How is Morgan liking the new house?" Jason asked looking over at the kids table right next to theirs. "He's adjusting pretty well," Parker replied. "He seems to like it out there. We certainly can't get him to come inside anymore. Maybe we should have you guys over soon?" Sam looked at her sister's wife. "That's a great idea. Jason and I were just talking bout coming out soon. We haven't gotten to see it yet and from what Molly has told me, it is gorgeous."
       Kristina smiled at Parker. "It is pretty nice out there. There's plenty of room if you guys want to come out after dinner and have drinks with us? I think I have some wine stashed and Parker definitely has beer in the fridge." Sam and Jason looked at one another. "That sounds fine with me." Sam said. "What do you think?" She asked her husband. "Sounds good to me."
       Parker looked over at the kids table again. "I bet they will be thrilled." She said with a laugh. "We have a couple spare rooms also, if you think the kids should sleep in different rooms." Jason laughed. "Don't worry about all that Parker. They will wear themselves out in no time." Kristina cocked an eye at him. "Yours might. Ours would never sleep if we didn't make him go to bed."
       The waiter came to the table. "What can I get for you guys this evening?" They all went around giving their orders and then the parents ordered for their kids. When the food came, they ate as they caught up with each other. "We really should do this more often. Maybe we should include Molly and mom next time." Sam told them. Kristina teetered her head from side to side. "I suppose we could do that. Maybe next time just have everyone come out to the house. More room for the kids to play and all." Sam smiled at her sister. "You mean in case shit hits the fan?" Parker and Jason snickered. "What?" Kristina said, looking at her brother in law. "You gonna let her talk that way to your favorite in law?" She asked him. He threw his hands up in surrender. "I've never been able to control what she says or does before, and I certainly can't now. It's why I married her!" He said, kissing his wife's hand. "I can understand that." Parker said, looking right at Kristina with what could have been legit hear eyes. "Wouldn't have it any other way either."

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