Chapter 24

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     "You know babe," Kristina said as she, Parker, and Morgan pulled into the school parking lot. "You didn't have to come this morning." She told her wife. "You could have slept in." Parker shook her head. "Honey, I'm just here to make sure you don't ring his teacher's neck." Immediately upon realizing what she had just said, Parker turned around and face their son in the back seat. "Mommy wouldn't really do that, so let's not go inside saying that okay?" Morgan nodded his head. "I know Mama. It's just a melaphor." Kristina smiled as Parker corrected him. "I think you mean metaphor son, but yes." She unbuckled her seat belt as Parker turned her attention to her now. "Smart boy we've got back there. All those melaphors he's been catching onto." She said with a laugh. 
      They all got out of the car and walked to Morga classroom. Class hadn't started yet so Kristina asked Parker and Morgan to wait in the hall. Parker agreed but on one condition. "Promise me you won't do anything impulsive that you might regret later honey." Kristina smiled and gave her wife a kiss. "Me? Impulsive?" She placed a hand over her mouth a gasped dramatically. "Never!" She looked down at Morgan who was now holding Parker's hand as they waited. "I'll be right back okay? I'm just gonna talk with your teacher real quick." She told him as she kissed the top of his head. She looked at the taller blonde who nodded and she knocked on the door and went inside.
       "Mrs. Walton?" She asked as she popped into the classroom. The lady at her desk looked up from her desk, doing what Kristina could only assume was grading papers. "Yes? And you are?" Kristina walked over to one of the smaller tables that were placed in front of the teacher's desk and sat down. It's crazy I can still fit in one of these chairs, she thought to herself. "I'm Morgan's mother. Well," She corrected herself. "One of them anyway." Mrs. Walton made an uneasy face. "Yes.... What can I do for you Mrs. Corinthos?" Kristina wasted no time getting to her point.
       "I'd like to know why you chose to permit 5 year old children to call my son and my family a name that most adults don't even use because it's so inappropriate?" She asked. Mrs. Walton looked back down at her paperwork and continued grading. "I'm afraid I have no idea what you are talking about." She told her with an annoyed sigh. "Oh you don't?" Kristina replied. "Well how about I refresh your memory a little then, yeah? My son asked me yesterday (After his other mother picked him up from school due to his behavior) what a fag was. He informed me that the kids were picking on him and calling him, my wife, and myself that word and that he told you and you didn't do anything about it. Well," She continued smugly, "Other than sending Morgan to the office because he was forced to deal with it on his own. Remember anything yet?" 
      Kristina was already annoyed with this woman. Maybe she should have let Parker do this. She was so much better at handling these kinds of situations. That being said, she made her wife a promise and this lady was after all, her son's teacher. 
      "Kids are going to be kids." Mrs. Walton replied. "I can't stop them from misbehaving all of the time." Kristina bit her tongue a little before speaking and then calmly spoke to the woman in front of her. "So let me see if I got this right.... You let 5  year old children use homophobic slurs to hurt the other students over something they have no control over, but you don't let the child being bullied to stand up for themselves?" Kristina stood up. "Morgan is 5 years old. Five! He shouldn't have to be defending himself from anyone, let alone when there is an adult in his classroom." 
       Parker, hearing Kristina's voice raise decided she should step inside. She handed Morgan her phone. "When we go in, I need you to go to the back of the room okay? You can watch my phone until Mommy and I are done talking to your teacher." "Alright Mama." Morgan replied taking her phone as they walked in the room. Parker walked to the front of the room while Morgan went to the back.
      "Is everything okay?" She asked Kristina. No, it isn't actually. She thinks it's okay for kids to be bullied in kindergarten. She thinks it's okay for kids to be able to say things like they've been saying to-" "Now that's not what I said-" Mrs Walton interrupted, but with no success. "Like Hell it isn't. It's exactly what you said." Parker walked over the where her wife was standing. "If that's the case honey, let's just take him home. We can find a better school that respects the children and their parent's no matter what their sexual orientation." Kristina looked right into the eyes of the teacher and spoke. "You are a despicable woman, and you don't deserve this job. Children need to be taught to love, not to judge or to hate. I wouldn't count on having your job much longer. " She said grabbing her purse and looking back at Morgan. "Come on baby." She told him and he walked up to her and grabbed her hand. "I'm not going to school today?" He asked. "Not today. We're going to find you a new teacher first." She said and she, her wife and her son left the school without another word.
     When they got in the car and everyone was strapped in, she got an idea. "Hey babe," She said to her wife. "Here's a thought. If she gets fired, you should take her place. That is if you want to."

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