Chapter 14

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     Parker finished putting Morgan's coat on him and zipped it up. "You ready to go to champ?" He nodded his head and smiled. "Alright then. Where is your mother?" She picked him up and called out for her. "Kristina? You can't be late to a party you're supposed to be hosting." Kristina came into view, fumbling with the buttons on her green shirt. "Dammit." You'd think I could do this by now." She said, clearly frustrated. Parker looked at Morgan. "Give me two seconds kid." She told him and put him down so she could assist Kristina before she started popping off the buttons. 
    "You alright?" She asked, removing Kristina's hands and replacing them with her own. Kristina nodded. "I'm fine," She replied. "Just stressed out. This party is such a big deal and I don't wanna mess it up." Parker finished up the last button and smoothed out the front of the other girl's shirt. "You're gonna do fine, don't worry. Besides, it's for a good cause. Morgan and I will be with you the whole time." She assured her giving her a kiss. "That being said, we need to go." She told her and Kristina picked up the little guy who was tugging at her hand. "Alright," She said. "Let's get this party started."

     When they arrived at Perks, the place was packed. "Holy crap." Kristina said as Parker held the door open for her and Morgan to walk through. "Right?" Parker replied. "I didn't think it would be this big of a turnout." Kristina turned around and handed their son to Parker. "Here," She told her. "No offense, but you're bigger than me and I don't intend to get trampled whilst holding him." She joked. 
     They spotted Sonny and Carly not long after and made their way over. "Hey you two. How's it going so far?" Kristina asked. "It's going great!" Carly exclaimed. "True Colors Fund has already raised over $2000 and you haven't even gave your promotional speech yet." Kristina smiled at that. "Really?! That is amazing! I'm so glad people are willing to help these homeless LGBT+ Youth. They really don't have anyone in this world and it's nice to be able to do a little something for them, especially around the holidays." Kristina told them. Sonny nodded his head in agreement. "You're definitely my daughter," He said as he hugged her. "Always putting others before yourself." Parker looked at her watch. "Hey honey, it's almost time for you to speak." Kristina looked squeamish suddenly but pulled herself together in no time. Like her wife AND now her father had told her, it was for a worthy cause. "Can I have that?" She asked Carly, pointing to the drink in her hand. Carly laughed and handed it to her. Kristina finished it off and then made her way to the front of store to the mic.  Everyone got quiet when they seen the organizer of the event and she began to speak.
     "I want to start off by telling you all that I'm so glad you decided to join us tonight. As you know, it's a pretty important charity that I'm promoting. Everything that is donated today will go directly to The True Colors Fund, which shelters, clothes, bathes, and feeds our LGBT+ youth. In the words of their description in their bio online:

    The True Colors Fund works to end homelessness among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth, creating a world in which young people can be their true selves."

     She paused as she watched the people in the crowd discussing what she had just said. When it died down, she continued.  "We are also here to celebrate the holidays with all of our family and friends in Port Charles. I see so many familiar faces in this crowd," She said as she stopped and waved at some of her regulars when she was working inside the store still. "It's so good to be here and I just want to tell you guys to please, have a great time and have the happiest of holidays. Thank you!" She concluded and stepped down to go find Parker and Morgan.
     She found them, now with Molly and TJ. "Hey!" Kristina said, hugging them both. "Did it suck?" She asked her sister. "Don't lie to me." Molly laughed. "You've done worse." She teased. "You did good honey." Parker said with a smirk before her wife could retort. "Yeah, don't listen to Molly." TJ said. "She's just messing with you." Molly poked her sister in the cheek. "She knows." Molly said with another snicker and Kristina broke out in a smile. "You did good sis." She told her and hugged her again. "True Colors Fund doesn't get mentioned enough, but people do care. We are seeing that tonight. "Thank you." Kristina told her. "Have you seen mom?" She asked. Molly kinda bit her lip a little. "Well.... She's kinda not here." 

SIDENOTE: If you would like to find out about how to help our homeless LGBT+ Youth through The True Colors Fund, please visit this website to learn more.

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