Chapter 31

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     "Where's Morgan?" Parker asked, when noticing Kristina exiting the tent alone. It was well after dark now. "He's asleep." Kristina said as she walked over to her lady love who was sitting in a fold out chair in front of the fire. "He said to tell you that he loves you and he will see you in the morning." Parker shook her head. "That boy..." She said with a smile. Kristina reached down and grabbed Parker's hand so she could pull her to her feet.  "That being said, I have an idea."
      She dragged the other woman down to the creek. "I noticed this led to a bigger pool of water earlier. It turns out that this particular section," She said as she gestured to the pond sized, body of water. "Is actually pretty deep." She ditched her pants and her top. "Wanna go for a swim?" She asked with those eyes she only got for the blonde before hopping into the water. Parker ditched her clothing and did the same, swimming up to the  proportionally  smaller girl and wrapping her arms around her while they floated. 
     "I have to admit," Parker said. "I did not see this coming. Not that I'm complaining or anything." She said with a laugh. Kristina ran her index finger down the other woman's neck, tracing a water droplet that had splashed into her skin when she got in. "That's because I'm the master of plans." She said as she leaned in for a kiss that was quickly given and then replaced by a brief water fight between the two of them.  Kristina pulled herself closer to Parker causing the water to ripple all around them. She kissed her again, making the blonde whine slightly as she did so. "I was thinking... Since Morgan is asleep and all...." 
     Parker got the hint. "Heck yes!'' She said with genuine enthusiasm. She put her hands in the dark wet hair of the woman in front of her. "You still look and act the same as the day that I met you." She said truthfully. "I couldn't get any luckier." She noticed the smile that she got in response and it made her heart melt. "You think I'm joking, but I'm actually serious." She said with a laugh.
     "We've been together for seven years and you are gonna try and tell me I don't look any different?" Kristina smirked at her wife, who was now pulling her to shore. "I know I've aged cause I can see it everyday." Parker shook her head in disagreement. "Not to me you haven't. You look the exact same." She said as she pulled her down into her lap. They had made it back to the sand and parker had placed her shirt underneath them to sit on. 
     "Maybe you should wear your glasses more often." Kristina told her, kissing her softly. "Nah," Parker replied. "I can see you just fine." She looked at her skin and hair shining in the moonlight. "Just as gorgeous as ever." She said as she felt Kristina adjust her body weight to shift Parker to the top. "I appreciate the flattery, but I would appreciate orgasms more so." Parker couldn't contain the laugh no matter how hard she tried. "Yes ma'am." She said and began placing little kisses on Kristina's body, working from the top down. "Thank you," Was the reply she got. That among some other slightly elevated noises as she worked her way down.
     "Yes baaaaaabe." Kristina said as she felt her body get hot. Even with just hopping right out of the water, Parker could still warm her up in no time. She felt the older woman's mouth near  spot and her breathing got a little heavier. Parker looked up at her. "Are you sure you're not dying?" She asked a red faced Kristina. "I swear to God woman, if you don't stop teasi-" 
     She was cut off by her own sigh of relief. "Fuck..." She said out loud when she finally got the contact she was looking for. She grabbed the blonde by her head and held it there. Parker of course, had no complaints. This was her favorite part. Watching Kristina's facial expressions and hearing those little noises? That was everything to her. Knowing that no one else got to see her like that? That was the most satisfying feeling ever. She removed her face and replaced it with her hand.  She slowly slipped a finger in as she bit down slightly on different parts of Kristina's body. The harder the girl pushed herself onto her hand, the harder she bit down. She honestly couldn't help herself at this point. She wasn't even going to need to be touched by the time Kristina was finished. "Almost there..." She heard faintly as she came back to reality and finished her off with one final thrust and a kiss. She could feel the whimper exit the darker headed girl's mouth and enter her own. That sealed the deal for them both.
     Parker's arms gave out and she somewhat collapsed on the smaller girl. "That was amazing." She said. "Tell me about it," Kristina replied with a sleepy smile. "I can't feel my legs." They both let out a giggle. "Have no fear darlin, I will carry you." Parker kissed the nose of the smaller girl before handing her her clothes that were piled next to them. "Good, cause I don't need Morgan waking up and asking me why my legs are broken." She said jokingly as she got dressed. When she finished, she hopped onto Parker's back and kissed her cheek from behind. "I love you!" She said and squeezed Parker's body in a hug. "I love you too, ya spider monkey." Parker replied and then with Kristina on her back, they headed back to camp.

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