Chapter 52

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      Morgan walked down the stairs to meet his parents for breakfast.  It was his last night at home before he went off to college. Man, it's gonna be a long day. He thought as he found them at at the kitchen table. 
      "Good morning you." Kristina said kissing her son, who was much taller than she was by the way, on his head. She placed his pancakes in front of him. "Are you nervous?" She asked him, pouring him some juice. He squirmed in his seat. "A little." He admitted. Parker spoke up from behind her laptop, as she was still teaching and grading classwork. "You shouldn't be. College is fun! You'll get to meet new people and see new thing, it's great. You'll see." She told him, patting his hand. "Just be sure you come home sometimes okay?" 
      "He better come home a lot," Kristina said, giving her son that look that he had gotten so many times before. "I will mom. I told you already that I was gonna come home every other weekend. You won't even notice I'm gone." He told his mother with a smile. She hugged him tight. "Yes I will, but it's all part of letting you grow up and all that stuff." She said quickly removing herself from the table. "I'm gonna go double check and make sure you have everything packed." Morgan stood up. "Ma, you don't have to do all that." He tried to tell her but she was already gone. 
      He sat back down and shook his head. "I take it she's not taking this too well huh?" He asked his other mother. She shook her head no. "But she'll be alright. It's just a mom thing honey. She sometimes thinks of you as if you were still that little baby learning to build with blocks, or the kid she used to play basketball and baseball with. You certainly are her baby and nothing is ever gonna change that." 
      She stole a bite of his pancakes. "On a happier note, isn't that super cute girl you like starting PCU as well?" She asked. He smiled. "Janey?" She nodded her head. "That's the one. She's the one you bring to the house sometimes, yeah?" He took a bite of his food, knowing where this was going. His other mom was emotional, but this one was so nosy. "Mom!" He exclaimed. "Have you been spying on me?" He asked. She gave him a look of annoyance. "Spying? No." She told him. "But if you thought we hadn't noticed you bringing a girl into your room than you are sadly mistaken. I hope you are using protection." Morgan's face turned bright red. "MOM! We were just playing video games!" He said, rising from the table. She snickered. "I'm just sayin'!" She said throwing her hands up. "I'm gonna go check on mom." He said, still red faced, turning to go up the stairs determined to forget that conversation had ever happened.
      Kristina was sitting on the edge of Morgan's bed when she saw him enter the room. She looked around. A lot had changed over the years. Where his bunk bed fort used to be now was a just a desk and his full size bed was now on the opposite side of the room facing his tv and whatever his gaming system was now. Could have been an Xstation for all she knew.  He had pictures of she, himself, and Parker on his dresser and he had a picture of some girl beside his bed. She'd met her in passing and she seemed nice. 
      "What are you doing mom?" He asked, sitting down next to her on the bed. She held up a child's purple bike helmet. "I found this in your closet." She said, sniffling slightly. "I don't think your water head could fit in it now." She joked and he laughed. "Probably not, but yours could. You haven't grown at all!" He said, dodging the next swat. "Okay! Okay!" He said still laughing. "You've grown a foot!" 
       Kristina looked at her son, and she noticed he wasn't so little anymore. He was in fact very manly. He was tall like Parker, but darker skin like her. He played a variety of sports in school, but mainly basketball so he had to stay in shape. That hair though, She said, looking at that thick curly mop on his head.  Still has the same hair. "You need to do something with this before family dinner." She said as she ran her fingers through his hair. He nodded. "Believe me, I will. Last time I didn't and Grandma was here? She kept staring at it the entire time." Kristina laughed. "That's your grandmother for you." 
      She stood up. "I think you have everything ready." She said, placing the purple helmet on his dresser next to a picture of him at the batting cages. He shook his head no. "I have to grab one more thing. It's out in the tree house, but I'll be right back." He told her, leaving the room. He stopped into the kitchen once more. "Mama?" He called. "Where are the keys to the four wheeler?" He asked. He watched as she pointed to the junk drawer in the kitchen. "Thanks mom." He said, kissing her on the head as he walked by on his way out the door.

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