Chapter 30 (Pt 2 Of Family Vacation)

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     After Morgan woke up from his nap, they ate and then got ready to start their activities. "There's not much daylight left, so we can't do much today buuuuut," Parker said as she stuffed a backpack full of water and snacks, "We do have time to go for a ride." Kristina looked over at the ATVs that were now unloaded and parked beside the truck. "Yes!" Kristina said excitedly. "I haven't got to ride one of these in forever." She looked down at Morgan who was standing next to her. "Who do you wanna ride with?" Morgan made a sour face. "No offense mom, but I'm gonna ride with her." He said pointing to his other mother. "Grampa Dave says she used to ride all the time." Parker laughed as Kristina rolled her eyes. "To be fair, she didn't have to grow up in the city." Kristina joked. "But I understand." She said with a laugh. "Go on then." She said shooing him in the direction of Parker. 
     Morgan and Parker loaded up onto one while Kristina fired up the other one. "Where are we going?" She asked. Parker pointed to the west. "We're gonna go through the creek," she began before stopping due to Kristina's facial expression which was now genuine concern. "It's fine honey, it's extremely shallow and barely even has a current. I've done it a million times." She said with a laugh. "Anyway, we're gonna go through the creek and about half a mile out on the other side, there's a treeline that opens up into a giant field." Her wife raised a brow. "And we're not trespassing?" She asked, just to clarify. "No dear, it's actually a distant relative's land. I checked before I brought Morgan out here because I'm not trying to be target practice for a bunch of drunk rednecks. They know we'll be riding, so they wouldn't plan on being out here and told us to have fun." Kristina shrugged. "Alright, let's do this." She said as she revved her bike. "Women and children first." She said making a gesture for her wife and son to take lead. Parker let out a laugh and she and Morgan took off towards the creek with Kristina on their tail.
     When they finally made it to the field, (Kristina had gotten stuck in the mud twice) they parked their four wheelers and Parker pulled out water bottles for everyone. "What did you think?" She asked the 5 year old. "That was so fun! One minute we were-" He made a straight forward hand signal, "Then we were-" And he made an upward motion, "And then we were-" He made a splashing sound referring to the puddles they were hitting. "It was awesome." His parents smiled down at him. "I'm glad you enjoyed it then." Parker said ruffling his hair. "Drink up," She instructed him. "It won't be near as fun if you let yourself get dehydrated." He nodded. "Yes ma'am." Parker looked at Kristina next. "What about you? Did you have fun?"  Kristina nodded her head. "Heck yes! Other than the creek bed I was fine. Even when I got stuck." She said with a cheesing grin. Parker grinned back. "That's the best part woman. What are you talking about?" 
      They had a protein bar and headed back to camp just before dark. Parker went and found the fire wood while Kristina stayed with Morgan by the tent. "I'm glad we got to do this mom." He told her as he leaned into her and wrapped his tiny arms around his mother. "Me too, kid." She said kissing the top of his head. "It's nice isn't it? All of us having some time away from everyone?" Morgan nodded his head into her arm. "I hope we get to do it more. Mama has so much fun out here." "That's because she can be herself out here. It's hard to do things like this when there are so many people around you know? She grew up living like this so I guess in a way, it probably makes her feel young again." She explained. "I understand I suppose. Either way, I like it when she's this way. I like her anyways cause she's a super cool mom-" He put in immediately. "But she's not as tense out here." Kristina looked down at her little boy. He was clearly more observant than she had realized. "You are an amazing child." She said as she squeezed him in a hug. "We are very lucky to have you and so is the rest of the world."
      Parker came back with the firewood and got the fire going for them as it was now nightfall. "Hey you two," She said as she came up to them. Morgan sat up so she could sid down on the tailgate of the truck too. "Hi mama." He said with a smile. "Thank you for the fire, and the four wheelers, and the trip." He said all in one sentence. Parker looked at her wife who just shrugged her shoulders as if to say she didn't know what was bringing all of this on. "You're very welcome." She told him with a smile. "But I should be thanking you two for coming with me. Now it feels like home."

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