Chapter 51

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     There was a storm rolling in outside the city limits of Port Charles, and it was a big one. The rain had already picked up and the lights were flickering. "Have you checked on Morgan recently?" Parker asked her wife. "Actually, no. I haven't seen him for a while, not since lunch when he went outside. He's probably upstairs." Kristina replied getting up. "I'm gonna go see how he's holding up." 
      While she did that, Parker got up and got out the candles. Just in time too because a clap of thunder shook the house and the lights went out. Shit, she thought to herself. He's not gonna like that. She lit the candles and placed them all around the down stairs area. When she finished up, Kristina was back and her face was pale. "Where the fuck is Morgan?"

      "I'm sure he's fine honey,'' Parker tried to reassure her wife. She was failing. She was still trying to keep it together herself. "We live in the middle of nowhere, so he couldn't have gone far." 
      They were now outside, and Parker was bringing the four wheeler out of the garage. "I'm gonna go back in the woods and see if he's still out there." She told her, starting the ATV. "Are you sure that's a good idea to do in a storm?" Kristina asked, noticing the metal. Parker shrugged her shoulders. "I've done it plenty of times." She told her giving her wife a kiss. "Plus it has a headlight." She said pointing to the front of the vehicle.  "Go inside honey, please. I'll bring him home, don't worry." Then she took off into the woods to find their son.

     Parker was driving down the trail when she noticed the lightening was picking up. Damn it kid, she thought. You are too young to be running off like this. She really did understand Kristina's concern. It was true that he wouldn't be able to get very far out here, but with the weather conditions, it was becoming increasingly more dangerous. 
     She made it to the treehouse and saw a light in the window. "Morgan?!" She yelled up to the top. He didn't come out. "Morgan?" She tried again, with no prevail. She turned the key and hopped off the machine before climbing up the rope ladder. It was a little slick, but she made it to the top. When she opened the door, she found Morgan sitting in the center of the floor.
      "Hey buddy," She said as she walked over and sat next to. "What are you still doing up here?" He looked like he had been crying because his eyes were puffy. "You okay?" She asked. He turned to face her. "I was playing up here and then it started raining." He told her. "I was trying to wait for it to stop, but it just got worse and now its scary out there." 
      Parker pulled him in for a hug. "Well mama is here now and she's gonna take you home. Your mother and I were worried sick. She's gonna be so happy to see you." She told him, kissing his head. "That being said, the storm won't be ending anytime soon, and it's not safe to be in a tree right now. We should probably get going." She said calmly, noticing that they were swaying slightly. 
      Morgan got up and walked over the door with Parker directly behind him. "Can you use the ladder?" She asked and he nodded, making his way down. She went down next and handed him the helmet off the back. "Here, put this on." She told him and he did. He climbed in front of her and held on loosely to the handle bars, as to not interfere with her steering. She fired it up and down the trail they went until they reached the garage. 
       The power was still out when they went inside, but with all the candles plus the flashlight Kristina had found while they were gone they were able to see her running full force at them.
       "Oh my god child, if you ever do that to me again I swear." She said squeezing him tightly in a hug. "Are you okay?" She asked him, turning his head at every angle and lifting his arms and legs checking for any bruises or scratches. "I'm fine mom, I just got stuck in the tree house when it started storming." Kristina hugged him again and mouthed the words thank you to her wife.  "I'm just glad you're safe." 
       About that time, the lights came back on. "Look at that." Parker said with a smile. "Just in time. Movie before dinner?" She asked and both Morgan and the other woman nodded. "Can I pick?" her son asked. She put it on Netflix and gave him the controller. "I suppose. As long as it keeps you in the house." He plopped down between his parents. "Don't worry. I'm definitely staying inside for a couple of days."

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