Chapter 45

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Adult Content in this chapter, be advised.

     Kristina walked into their bedroom one night and found Parker staring at herself  in her underwear in the mirror. She had a sad look on her face. Kristina walked over and hugged her from behind. "What are you doin' babe?" She asked as Parker grabbed her hands and held them in place. "Just thinking." She said, patting the hands on her stomach. "About what?" Kristina pressed. Parker turned around. "I'm old." 
     Kristina laughed and she turned her wife around to face her. "What are you going on about?" She asked. "You aren't old." She told her, trying to reassure her. Parker wasn't having it. "Yes I am. I was already getting there when we met honey. I've accepted it and so should you." Kristina took the other woman's face in her hands. "Baby, we've talked about this before. Everyone ages, including me, regardless whether you choose to admit it or not."
     Parker shook her head and walked over to the dresser, finding a pair of sweatpants and an oversized t shirt. "I'm fully aware of how aging works." She said, throwing the shirt on over her head. "It doesn't mean I have to like it." Kristina watched as the blonde carelessly threw her hair up in a messy bun. "If it's any consolation, I like it a lot. Besides, you still look gorgeous. Not everyone gets the opportunity to age as gracefully as you have." 
      Parker plopped down on the bed. "I appreciate the flattery, I do, but still." She said with a sigh. "We've been together almost 9 years now and I can visibly tell the difference." Kristina walked over to the bed and sat down too, pulling her wife into her chest. "I really wish you wouldn't let things like that bother you." Parker looked up at the brunette. "Easy for you to say. You still look like you're in your twenties." Kristina rolled her eyes. "That's a little extreme, but thank you. You are still the same person I married Parker, and you honestly don't look or act much different. You still have the same nose," She told her, poking the blonde's nose. "The same eyes," She said, placing her hands around her face, "The same smile," She said giving the taller woman a little tickle. "See? There it is." She said with a laugh when she saw Parker fighting a smile. 
      "What if you get tired of me and decide you want someone younger?" Parker asked her, being one hundred percent serious. "Babe," Kristina replied. "If I was going to leave you, I would have done it a long time ago. We've been together a long time, and as I've told you a million times, your age does not bother me. It didn't bother me at PCU, and it doesn't bother me now. Growing old together has always been part of the deal, has it not?" Parker smiled again. "I do believe that was in our wedding vows at some point." Kristina smirked. "See? Please stop worrying. I love you. Morgan loves you. We love you, just the way you are okay?" 
     Parker nuzzled her head into the body of the smaller girl as Kristina ran her fingers through the hair of the woman in her lap. "I mean it Parker. Neither Morgan or I are going anywhere. We don't need anyone else. You are a great wife and an even better mother. We would truly be lost without you." She bent down and kissed her gently. "Thank you," Parker said, accepting the kiss. "Anytime." Kristina replied. "Now if you still don't believe me, I can totally prove it to you." Parker raised a brow, clearly confused. "Yeah? How's that?"
      Kristina had Parker underneath her in no time flat. "If I wasn't attracted to you, sex would really suck. I would never have orgasms." She said matter of factly, kissing down the woman's neck. "And I can assure you, I've had plenty of those." She placed a little nibble on the taller woman's collarbone, causing her to let out a squeal and a giggle. "Last time I checked,  all of your organs were still pretty youthful and functioning just fine." She said jokingly as she tugged on Parker's tshirt, asking to remove it. Parker allowed it. "I guess we'll find out in a few minutes." Parker said as she felt Kristina's hands roaming her body.  Kristina smiled at her and brought her mouth back up to kiss her again, this time letting her tongue slide in her mouth. 
     Parker removed Kristina's shirt as well and she felt the smaller girl press her body against hers, skin touching skin. "I think it's still working." She said out loud, causing Kristina to smile into their kiss, who had now climbed into the taller woman's lap, starting to grind into her. "Good," She said. "I'd be slightly concerned if you were this wet and it wasn't because of me." She whispered into the blonde's ear. A chill went through Parker's body, as it always did when she got to be intimate with the woman she loved so much. "I can assure you," She whispered back, "That no one could ever make me as wet as you do." 
      Kristina's hands went into the other girl's underwear. "Good answer." She said, biting down on Parker's neck and she put herself inside her. She began rocking back and forth as she watched the facial expressions of the woman beneath her. That was always the best part for her. She honestly didn't understand how people say they can't tell when someone is enjoying sex. Parker couldn't fake it if she tried.
      "Oh my God," Parker said as she fought to keep up with Kristina's pace. She was feeling all of her and it was amazing. Their breathing matching one another's, although still shallow and fast paced. "That feels so good." She told her and Kristina kissed her again before leaving little teeth marks all down her body. "I told you everything was still functioning." She said feeling Parker's body beginning to tense up every so often. She added another finger and waited for the audible gasp that was sure to follow. 
      "Ooomf," Parker said aloud. "Ah," Kristina said with a smile. "There it is." She placed gentle kisses all around her panty line before really biting her just inside her thigh. Parker cried out, but in excitement. She didn't have long before Kristina's face was between her legs as she continued to use her hands. The warmth of her mouth was too much. "I think I'm gonna-" She began but lost all concept of communication because all that came out of her mouth was a bunch of nonsense. Kristina pressed deeper inside of her and held firm so as the other girl could ride it out on her own. She didn't want her to finish before she was ready. Parker signaled when she was finished and Kristina pulled out.
      "See?" She asked, kissing her wife quickly on her lips. "Not broken." She kissed her again several more times before Parker was able to speak. She had still been catching her breath. "Nope, definitely not broken."

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