Chapter 18

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Christmas morning came and Parker and Kristina were up before Morgan. "Ugh!" Kristina said after checking on him for the 5th time. "Why isn't he up yet?" She asked her wife impatiently. "Maybe it's because it's only 6 am and he's a year old. He doesn't know the significance of Santa Claus yet, remember?" Parker answered with a laugh. Kristina plopped down on the couch. "Yeah, yeah." She replied. "I guess I'm just ready to see his face when he opens everything." Parker squeezed her hand. "I understand, believe me, I do. Have you called your parents yet?" She asked. "You can totally do that while he's asleep. It's much easier than him trying to take the phone out of your hands.'' Kristina made a sour face. "No. My phone is in the bedroom charging so-" She began but Parker handed her her phone instead. "Nice try honey. Here," She told her. "You can use mine." Kristina took the phone. "Why are you so pushy woman?" She asked. Parker leaned in and kissed her forehead. "With every year we get older, so do they." She reminded her. "We all run out of time eventually." She told her and left the room.
Dammit, Kristina thought to herself as she dialed her mother's number. She's always got a decent point. "Hey mom," She said when Alexis picked up. "Merry Christmas." She told her. "Merry Christmas to you too." Alexis replied. "Has Morgan seen what Santa brought yet?" She asked excitedly. Kristina laughed understanding the anxiety with the situation. "Not yet. He's still asleep. I'm ready for him to get up too." She said smiling into the phone. "Parker told me to occupy myself while we wait, so I thought I'd call you and then I'd call dad." Kristina informed her. "Before I forget," She began. "What time are we supposed to be there with Morgan?" "Probably around noon," Alexis replied. "That way you can still go to your father's this evening." Kristina made a mental note. "Alright then. I'm gonna get off here." She told her. "We'll see you guys then." She said and hung up.
"We have to be at mom's around noon." She told the blonde, who was still seated next to her on the couch. Parker looked up from her book. "Sounds good to me. What time are we supposed to be at your dad's?" She asked. Kristina shrugged. "Not sure yet. Some time late afternoon/ early evening though. I haven't called him yet." She explained, now dialing Sonny's number.
"Hey Princess," She heard as soon as the line was answered. "Hey dad! Merry Christmas!" She told the man on the phone. "I was just calling to see what time we were supposed to be there with Morgan later?" She told him. "We were thinking around 5 ish if that works for you. I know you have that thing with your mother today," He said. "We'll head over there around noon and stay for a while. We'll probably just go from there to your house." Kristina informed him." "Works for me kiddo. Tell your wife and my grandson I say Merry Christmas." He told her. "I will. See you later dad." She told him and hung up.
The sound of "Mama" was now reaching their ears as she got off the phone. "I'll get him." Kristina said, handing Parker back her phone. "EEEEEEK I'm too excited." She said\, practically skipping off to get their son.
"Santa came!" She told him when she picked him up out of his crib. "Wanna see what he brought you?" She asked him, bouncing him up and down making him laugh. "Let's go see!" She walked him into the living room where at first he only saw his other mother. Then he noticed the shiny wrapping paper and all the things under the tree. "Oooooooooooooh," He said when Kristina put him down. He walked over to a present and picked it up. "That's for you,'' Parker told him, peeling a little of the paper back to get him started. "You got to rip the paper off to see what's inside see?" She showed him a little more.
It didn't take long before he had the gist of it. Both of his parents were convinced by the end of it that he had more fun tearing up paper than he did seeing what he got, but he was happy. That's all either one of them wanted for him. Kristina was picking up trash after he had finished when she picked up one of his new toys to move it out of the way. It was a tiny litter learning keyboard. Morgan walked up and took it from her. "Now that's not very nice." She told him, shaking a finger at him. He just shook his head no and hugged the instrument. "Mine!" He said and took off to his room with it, to which they could only assume was to hide it from her.
Parker looked at Kristina who was still watching him run off and started laughing. "Aside from the fact that he just gave you 50 shades of attitude, I'd like to point out that our boy just said his second word." It must have just hit Kristina as well because a smile was filling her face. "He did. He totally did." She said proudly. "Okay but seriously... I was just picking up the mess."

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