Chapter 13

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      "WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?!" Parker heard Kristina tell Nelle. "You're obviously still a crazy bitch. Some things never change." Nelle shrugged and smiled. "Well duh, why change now?"   Parker saw Kristina get hit in the head with a gun and fall to the floor. She was calling her name, although she could barely hear her. She grabbed a gun out of the gun cabinet and fired at Nelle before she could fire a shot. Nelle fell to the ground and she ran over to Kristina.  "Kristina?" She asked as she knelt down by her now motionless newlywed wife. "Kristina?" She tried again with no success. "KRISTINA?!"

     "Baby, wake up." Parker heard and she realized she was in their bed, with the woman she loved cradling her head in her lap. She quickly realized the tears running down Kristina's face, even more so than she realized they were running down her own. She sat up and wiped the tears from her eyes. 
     "You have to tell me what's going on in your head." Kristina told her, eyes filled with sadness. "I haven't seen you like that in years. Please talk to me." She pleaded. Parker looked at the crying girl sitting next to her. "It's stupid." She said but Kristina shook her head. "Nothing about you is stupid. If you won't see a therapist fine, but you need to at least talk to me. No secrets remember?" Parker nodded her head. "Okay," She said softly.
     "I was dreaming about the safe house again." She began and she saw Kristina's eyes lose their light. She felt horrible knowing that now she was remembering too. "I saw Nelle hitting you in the head with that pistol and then I saw you hitting the ground." She paused for a moment trying to find the appropriate words.  Kristina reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze signalling that it was okay. "I remembered shooting her and then running over to you. I remember you not waking up. I remember thinking you were dead. I remember everything." She told her, tears rolling down her face again. "I really thought I lost you." She admitted. 
      Kristina pulled the blonde into her arms and held her. "Babe," She said, petting the back of her head. "You didn't lose me. I'm right here, see? I'm not going anywhere. YOU, Parker Forsyth Corinthos-Davis saved me. I will always be grateful for that. I will always be grateful that you walked into my life. I will always be grateful for you." She informed her, kissing the top of her head. "I'm sorry that you had to relive that, yet again. I don't know how I would have handled it had it happened to you instead of me, but I know you are a strong minded individual with a big heart. That's why I love you." Parker broke away from her embrace and Kristina wiped the rest of her tears away. "It just felt so real. Like we were right there all over again." Kristina kissed her hand. "I know, and I'm so sorry." She told her. "But now we have such a good life. We have a son that's healthy and happy, peacefully sleeping in his bed. We have a good marriage, clearly full of love. We have a family. We wouldn't have had any of that if the past hadn't happened the way it did." She explained. "Like your mama always says, 'Everything happens for a reason'."
      Kristina laid back down and Parker put her head on her chest. "I guess you're right about all of that." She said, nuzzling herself deeper into Kristina's chest.  "Of course I am." Kristina told her, feeling the smile of her love against her chest. "Hey," She told her. Parker looked up. "I love you." She was told. "I love you too." She replied. "I'm tired." She told Kristina, laying her head back down on the smaller girl. "Alright baby. Go back to sleep." She instructed and played with her hair. When Parker was finally asleep, she took a mental note. No more tacos.

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