Chapter 48

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     Kristina woke up and found Parker sleeping soundly next to her. She's too cute when she sleeps she thought to herself. She quietly climbed out of bed and walked out of the bedroom. She went into the kitchen of the suite and turned on the coffee pot before walking into the other bedroom to wake Morgan. The sun was up, and it was time to get ready if he wanted to try and learn to surf before the beaches were full of people.
      "Wake up buddy." She said to him softly, running her fingers through his curly hair. "You wanna go catch some waves before mama wakes up?" He opened his sleepy eyes and looked at her with a smile. He nodded and she kissed his head. "Mama and I got a surprise for you while you were sleeping last night." She stood up and walked towards the door. "Put your trunks on and I'll show you." 
        She walked back to the kitchen and noticed the coffee was done brewing. She poured herself a cup and took a sip when she saw Morgan out of the side of her eye.  He wandered over to the breakfast nook and stood next to his mother, still rubbing his eyes. He had his black swimming trunks on, but she laughed when she realized he had them on backwards. 
      "I think you messed up a little there, love." She said, pointing to the drawstring hanging down the back of his legs. "Your shorts are on wrong." He looked down and growled. "Ugh! It's too early." He said grumpily. "I'll be right back." He told her and then stomped off into his room of the hotel so he could fix his pants. While he did that, Kristina got his surprise ready.
       When he came back, all of his irritation had settled. He saw two purple surfboards propped up against the wall and two wet suits, one smaller and one longer. "Wow mom! Is this what we're gonna be using?"He asked her. Kristina nodded her head yes. "Yes sir. The bigger one is mine, and the smaller one is yours. You should go try on your suit!" She said, poking him in his cheek with her finger playfully. He kissed his mother on the cheek and slid into his suit. She helped him zip it up and beamed at her boy. 
      "You look so handsome," She told him. "I'm gonna be fighting off girls left and right today." Morgan smiled. "Boys too?" He asked. "Boys too." She agreed. "Now I'm gonna go get ready in the bathroom so I don't wake up your mother. There's a granola bar to snack on sitting on the counter. When we come back in, we'll have a real breakfast." 
       Kristina put on her bright pink bikini and then slid her wetsuit on over it. It was purple and black, just like Morgan's. She walked back into the den and found Morgan waiting with his board by the front door with his granola bar sticking out of his mouth. "Let's go mom!" He said with his mouth full. She shook her head and grabbed the truck keys. "Alright kid, let's go catch some waves."

       "Why do I have to wear this stupid thing?" He asked, lifting his leg out of the water and pointing to the leg rope?" She sighed. "We've been over this son. You wear it so if you wipeout, your board won't go off somewhere where you can't get to it. It also keeps you attached to the board so it doesn't fly off into someone else. Also," She said, giving him the eye, "It's illegal not to have them. Well, in this particular area anyway. It's not illegal everywhere, just most places."
       Morgan rolled his eyes at the lecture. "Fine." He said. "Can we do this now? We're still in the shallows mom!" He said, clearly losing his patience. Kristina hopped off her board, making sure she kept it close to her. Fortunately there weren't many people out this early. "In just a minute. I want to make sure your balance is okay.  Stand up and show me your stance."
         He stood up on his board for a series of seconds before falling into the water. "Crap!" He said. "I can't stay balanced." He climbed back on his board and sat down, feeling the smaller waves pass underneath him. "The same thing I said about basketball applies right here. Practice makes perfect and if you want something bad enough, you'll figure it out. Here," She said, holding his board in place. "Try again, I'll try and help you." 
        He stood up again, this time holding his mother's hand while her other was still on his board. He stood this time for a couple of minutes and then a slightly larger wave came in and he went into the water again. "I almost had that one." He said, sounding slightly disappointed.  
       Kristina climbed onto her board and pulled him on as well. She placed his board across his lap evenly as she paddled them towards shore. "How about this? Maybe we could try with something a little smaller?" He sighed but agreed. "One day, I'm gonna get the hang of this." He told her. "I want to be able to do things that you like to do too." Kristina became confused. They reached shore and she propped the boards up in the sand. "What do you mean?" She asked him. 
     They plopped down in the sand. "I just mean that sometimes I think we don't have as much in common as me and mama." He explained. He's only 5, he means nothing bad by that, she reminded herself.  "That's alright. We don't have to like the same things. Mama and I have different interests too." She told him. "I still love her and wouldn't change anything about her. The same goes for you. Besides," She told him with a smile, "We make a pretty good team when it comes to video games." 
      Morgan leaned over and hugged his mother. "We really do." He told her and then he looked at his feet. "So you wouldn't be mad if I didn't really want to learn to surf?" He asked nervously. "Of course not. There is plenty of time for us to find things to do together. If I'm being honest, just sitting here spending time with you is enough for me." She said as she squeezed his tiny body in her arms. 
      "Did I miss anything big?" They heard behind them and they turned around and found Parker standing behind them. Morgan shook his head. "Not really. It turns out I'm not too great at surfing." Parker shrugged her shoulders. "It's alright. One surfer in the family is enough." She said with a smirk, looking at her wife. Kristina took this as an opportunity. "Speaking of... Since you're here now, can I-" She asked, looking out at the waves. Parker laughed. "Go on. He's fine here with me." 
       Kristina didn't even try to fight the smile on her face when she kissed her wife and son before taking off with her board into the waves. "She really likes this doesn't she?" Morgan asked his other mother, using her body as his personal blanket considering he was wrapping himself in her arms. Parker nodded as they watched her in the distance, waiting on a wave to bring her back in. "She's in her element now. Mama likes the trees but mom? She likes the ocean. This is home for her."

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