Chapter 39

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     Parker woke up to an empty bed. She walked into the office expecting to find Kristina, but didn't. Then she went to Morgan's room and he was gone too. Where did they go? She thought to herself. She made her way downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed some coffee and then she heard some steady thuds. She opened the front door and she found both of them.
      "Hey mama!" Morgan said as he stopped dribbling the basketball. Kristina turned around and saw Parker standing in the doorway. "Hey you!" She said walking over to her. "He got up really early this morning and I thought I'd take him outside so we could let you sleep in." She gave the blonde a kiss. "I hope we didn't wake you up." Parker shook her head. "Nope. I woke up on my own." She said with a laugh. "It looks like you two are putting the basketball court to good use." Morgan ran over to his parents. "Do you wanna play too?" He asked his other mother. Kristina gave her a 'come and get it' look. "If you can handle the heat, that is." She said tauntingly. Parker raised a brow. "You're on. You two against me." She said matter of factly. "Wouldn't be fair if one of you went solo. I'm taller than both of you combined." She said jokingly, sticking her tongue out at both her wife and their son. "We'll show you!" Morgan said with a big grin. "Mom's been teaching me how to play all morning!" Parker and Kristina both laughed. "Is that so?" Parker asked. Morgan nodded with his game face on. "I guess we'll just have to see how effective she was." She and Kristina walked onto the court again. Parker leaned in to whisper in her wife's ear. "You know I'm gonna have to go easy on him, but not you darlin'." Kristina kissed Parker's cheek and took off to go stand next to Morgan. "You're on."

      "I did not see that coming." Parker said after they had wrapped up the game and were now going inside for lunch. "I told you mom was teaching me to play." Morgan said, giving his mama a cocky look. Parker returned the glare. "I'm sure your mother didn't teach you to drop and crawl between someone's legs to get to the basket."  Kristina laughed. "Nope, he picked that up on his own." She said, pulling out sandwich stuff for lunch.  "You did good kid." Parker told him, bringing him in for a hug. "I can't believe you made that shot!" Morgan's eyes got big. "Me either!" He admitted. "It was lucky." Kristina shook her head. "No, it was practice." She said. "And the more you practice, the better you'll get." She told him as she handed him his lunch. "That's true," Parker said, agreeing with the smaller woman. "You can do anything you want in life if you work hard enough. Practice makes perfect." She told him.  Kristina placed a plate in front of her as well. "Thank you love." She said with a smile.
      When lunch was over, Morgan asked if he could go play outside. "Please be careful climbing in the trees!" Kristina told him. "Ask mama about that time she broke her arm." Parker rolled her eyes. "I was 10!" She told her. She turned to face her son. "Grampa Dave built me a treehouse when I was little. A few years later, I was climbing up the tree and one of the steps fell off the tree and I went with it. Just make sure you pay attention to how fresh the bark on the trees are okay?" Morgan nodded. "Okay mama." He said hugging them both before running out the door. "You know he's gonna want a treehouse now right?" Parker smiled. "Why do you think I mentioned it?"  Kristina put her hands on her hips. "And do you intend on building him one?" Parker gave a half smile. "Maybe?" Her wife shook her head and smiled. "Just make sure it's safe. I don't want either one of my babies getting any bones broken." Parker leaned in and gave her a soft kiss. "It's adorable how fragile you think we are. He's gonna be fine. At some point he will hurt himself though. All kids do honey." She reminded her. "I know, I know. I didn't care about these things until we had Morgan. I was a bit reckless myself at his age." Parker laughed. "What do you mean at his age? You're still reckless, and I love it.'' 
      They heard the front door open and Morgan was back in the kitchen with a scraped knee. "Oh my god! What happened?" Kristina asked grabbing something to clean up the scrape. Morgan smiled and looked at Parker. "I fell out of the tree."

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