Chapter 3

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     Things were back to normal the next day. Parker got up at 5:30 to get ready for work and left a sprawled out Kristina in bed. She checked on Morgan as she passed his room walking to the kitchen and saw that he was also sprawled out in his crib. "You are gonna need a bigger bed soon." She whispered as she kissed his head and went on about getting ready.
She got dressed and had her coffee before sitting down one last time at the desk and making sure all of her papers were graded correctly. She was just about finished when a sleepy Kristina walked up behind her, hugging her from behind the chair. 
     "Good morning," Kristina told her as she kissed her cheek. Parker leaned backwards into her. "Good morning to you too," Parker replied. "What are you doing up so early?" She asked. Parker watched as her wife walked over to the coffee pot and poured herself a cup. "I have no idea." Kristina told her. "Maybe it's because Morgan is starting to sleep better at night,'' She said with a shrug. "I didn't hear him wake up, not even once last night." Parker nodded, standing up from the table and grabbing her coat.  "I didn't either. Maybe he's finally gonna start sleeping!" Parker said with excitement and Kristina laughed. "Let's hope so." She replied with a smile. "Time to go?" She asked, handing Parker her bag. Parker frowned. "Unfortunately, but I'll be home around one. I only have a half day today." She explained, bending down to kiss the shorter girl. "Alright. Wanna do lunch when you get home?" Parker nodded. "Works for me," She told her. "I'll call you when I'm on my way. Love you!" She told her and then walked out the door.

     While Parker was at work, Kristina and Morgan went to Molly and TJ's. "Hey wee man!" Molly said when she opened the front door and taking him out of his mother's arms. "How ya doin?" She asked him and he made some weird noises and smile. "That's what I thought. Always such a happy boy." She told him. "Come on in." She told Kristina, opening the door further. "TJ isn't here right now, so it's just me. What are you guys up to today?" She asked her sister. "Not much," Kristina replied. "Just killing some time waiting on Parker to get off work." Molly shook her head. "I honestly feel sorry for your wife. I can't imagine working with all of those disrespectful kids all day. Melissa included." She told her. Kristina rolled her eyes. "Tell me about it. I can't believe she's still there! Like is she ever gonna graduate or is she there just to start shit -" Kristina said before looking at Morgan. "Crap, I meant crap." 
        Molly laughed. "I don't think he cares at this point." Kristina tilted her head to the side. "Probably not, my wife however does. We now have a swear jar and it's getting pretty full." She said with a smirk. "I don't doubt that," Molly told her. "But honestly. It's much easier for me to drop her as a friend than for her to drop her as a student. It must be hard biting your tongue all the time." 
       Kristina thought about it and she realized the incident in the hall right before they had gotten married still bothered her. "I'd like to deck her in the face... again. Now we have Morgan though so I can't." She said through gritted teeth. "I just wish I knew what her problem was. She's always been such a-" She paused looking at her son. "Butt." She finished. 
Molly nodded in agreement. "That she is, but Parker is a big girl Kristina. She can handle Melissa. You just focus on your marriage and your kid and you'll be okay too." 
       Morgan was starting to get a little fussy. "Is he tired or hungry?" Molly asked. Kristina checked the time on her phone. "Probably both honestly. He's ready for a snack and then. it's his naptime." She told her and pulled out a backpack. "Way more stylish than a diaper bag AND it holds just as much stuff." She said pulling out some baby snacks and handing them to Molly to give him.  "Yup," His aunt said as she took them from his mother. "He's definitely hungry." She laughed as he tried to take them from her. "Calm down nephew," She joked. "You can't eat them all at once. Don't follow your mother's example when it comes to stuffing her face." She said and Kristina threw the piece of cereal that Morgan dropped and hit her in the head with it. "Hey now! I was just kidding." She laughed, returning fire. She sat down the baby in the floor with a handful of little cheerios and walked over to her sister. 
      "So have you guys thought about what I should get him for Christmas yet? He's big enough to do it this year isn't he?" Molly asked, referring to the previous year when he was only a couple of weeks old. Kristina shook her head. "Not really. I don't even know what we're getting him yet." She said looking down at Morgan who had now focused his attention on her and was crawling in her direction. She reached down and picked him up when he got to her feet. "He really just needs bigger clothes and learning toys. Maybe something that could help him start walking? He's able to pull himself up and stand, he just can't seem to get the one foot in front of the other part down." She said bouncing him up and down to make him laugh. "We'll get there though, won't we big boy." She told him with a smile that he reciprocated. 
    "I do think it's about time we get going though. I just wanted to stop in and say hello. He missed his Aunt Molly." Kristina told her sister. "Wanna say by to Auntie Molly?" She asked him waving his little arm for him. He squealed and mimicked the arm waving motion with his other hand. "See? Genius." She told Molly with a laugh, making her way to the door. "We'll see you at mom's tomorrow night for dinner?" Molly asked her and Kristina nodded her head yes. "Already talked to Parker about it. We should be there around 6 - 6:30." Molly smiled at Morgan once more. "Alright then, we'll see you there little man!" She said excitedly. Kristina strapped Morgan into his car seat and got into the driver's seat. Why is it she never looked forward to dinner at her mother's house?

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