Chapter 4

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     The next day they were supposed to have dinner at Kristina's mother's house for family dinner. Morgan on the other hand, must have had other plans. "What's the matter little buddy?" Parker asked the crying boy as she walked into his room at 4 am for the 5th time. "Are you getting sick or something?" She wondered, picking him up and putting her cheek to his forehead. He felt warm. She tried walking him around and all the usual tricks, but nothing seemed to be working. He was very clearly in pain. After about 20 minutes of no luck, Kristina ended up coming in to help. "Is he okay?" She asked sleepily and Parker shook her head. "I don't know. I've been trying to calm him down for half an hour almost and nothing is working." Kristina reached out for their son. "Lemme have him." She suggested. Parker handed him over and let her do her thing.
     As soon as she grabbed him, he stopped crying. "See?" She told the wide awake 1 year old who was now looking back and forth between his two moms. "It's not that bad." She put her hand to his head. "You do have a little fever though. How about you come sleep with me and mama yeah?" She asked him kissing his head while reaching for her wife's hand with the other before taking them both to bed. 
     Parker shook her head in amazement as she tucked the little boy in between them. "I don't know how you do that." She said. Kristina gave her an odd look. "What do you mean?" She asked as she played with the hair of the sleeping boy. "Make him stop crying like that." Parker said. "There are time's where he can be upset and nothing I do can help, but then you do the exact same thing and-" She pointed at Morgan. "This happens." Kristina smiled and kissed her. "Don't think too much into it babe, it's just because I'm around him all the time. He does things for you that I can't get him to do all the time." She told the blonde, who rolled her eyes. "Like what?" Parker asked. Kristina started counting on her fingers, "Eat carrots, he let's you change his butt, he takes naps for you. He literally does almost anything you want him too. He loves you dork." Kristina told her. Parker smiled down and the dark, curly headed boy. "I hope so, cause he and you are my world." She informed her, laying down and reaching around him for Kristina's hand. "I'm making him a doctor's appointment in the morning at General Hospital though."  Kristina said and Parker nodded.. "Just lemme know when and I'll make sure I'm there." She told her, thinking of her job, which was starting to be harder than she thought. She hated leaving Kristina with the baby so much. They would have to discuss it later, she had a feeling.

      The two of them walked into GH with Morgan around 1 that afternoon. "I'm sure he's fine," Kristina told Parker. "You've got to calm down babe." She said, squeezing her hand. "Kids get sick all the time, really." Parker nodded nervously, but didn't speak. Kristina was about to say something else, but Monica approached them. 
     "Hey you two! What's going on with this little guy?" She asked, grabbing on of his hands. "He's got a fever," Kristina told her, "Parker-" Parker nudged her wife with an elbow. "And I," She continued, glaring at the blonde. "Just want to make sure he's alright." Monica nodded her head. "It is flu season. Does one of you want to go back with him?" She asked and Parker spoke up fast. "Yes!" She said and Kristina kissed Morgan before handing him off. "I love you big guy." She told him. "Behave for your mother alright?" She asked and he squealed a laugh.  "That's my boy." She told him with a big smile.  Parker leaned down and kissed Kristina. "I'll text you as soon as I know anything." She told her and then she and Morgan walked away with Monica. 
      Kristina was walking to the waiting area to find a seat when she heard a familiar voice. "Kristina?" She turned around and found Kiki standing there. "How are you?" Kiki asked. "I'm fine," Kristina replied. "Just brought Morgan up for a check up." She explained. Kiki smiled. "He's gotten so big," She said. "He looks a lot like you." She told her and Kristina shook her head. "He may look like me, but he acts just like Parker. Barely a year old and he already has her facial expressions." She joked. "I believe it," Kiki replied with a laugh. "You guys are good parents though. He's a lucky kid." Kristina thanked her for that before asking how she liked training to be a doctor. "It's stressful, but it's worth it truthfully. I just like helping people." Kiki said. Kristina nodded, "A good quality to have these days." She told her. Her phone buzzed and she looked down to see a text from Parker. "Can you excuse me?" She asked Kiki. "I just got the results for my son's diagnosis." She said before taking off to find the room he was in.

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