Chapter 50

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     Parker was in the backyard messing with the fire when Kristina returned from her mother's with Morgan. "Happy late Valentine's day mama!" He said, handing her a card. It was a cute one with little frogs on it. She opened it up and looked inside. Happy Valentine's day to one of the best moms in the world! Love Morgan.
      She closed the card and gave him a big hug. "It's beautiful honey, thank you. Did mom get one too?" She asked looking at Kristina who was propped up against the back deck watching them. The smaller girl smiled and  waved her card in the air mildly to signal that she had. "Yes, hers had dolphins on it." He said proudly.
      Parker ran her fingers through his dark, curly hair. "Why don't you go inside and grab the marshmallows? I was thinking about making some smores if you're up for it." She told him. His face lit up and his smile beamed bright. "Okay mama!" He told her and then he took off running right past his other mother inside through the back door.
      Kristina walked over the the fire and hugged the taller woman from behind. "What's he so excited about?" She asked, resting her cheek on Parker's back as she did so. "I told him if he grabbed the marshmallows we could have smores." Parker replied, grabbing the hands that were wrapped around her waist and loosening them so she could turn around. Kristina laughed. "So you bribed him to spend time with us?" The blonde smiled at the brunette before answering. "Well of course. It's the only way to parent, don't you know." She chuckled as she kissed the woman in front of her, "Well if that's then only way then I guess we have no other choice."
       "Than to do what?" Morgan asked as he came outside holding the marshmallows. "Oh nothing," Kristina told him. "Your mother and I were just discussing roasting you over the fire like chicken." She said, taking off chasing him around the yard. The sweets went flying across the yard as Morgan shrieked and took off running. 
       "Easy children, easy!" Parker said as she picked up the bag and walked over to the bench by the fire. She sat down and watched her wife and son play some wild version of tag and smiled to herself. This is at good as it gets.

       Later on after she put Morgan to bed, Kristina came back outside where Parker was still poking the fire. She made her way over and handed her a beer before sitting down on the bench. "Thank you," She said, taking the bottle. "Is he asleep?" Kristina nodded. "It didn't take very long. I think he had a sugar crash." She said with a laugh as she took a sip of her own beer. 
      Parker sat down beside her and opened her arms up for the smaller girl to lean into her. Kristina complied, laying her head down on her chest. "This is really nice." She told her, looking at the fire. "I kinda like it out here." Parker kissed the top of the her head. "Me too, so I'm glad you approve." She took a sip of her beer.  
      "I like how quiet it is out here," Kristina continued. "There aren't any sirens or cars. I literally can't hear anything but wind in the trees. It's almost hypnotic." Parker poked her wife in the ribs gently. "How many beers have you had love? Has the city girl gone country?" She asked playfully. "Oh shut it." Kristina told her, snuggling up closer. "I mean it. It's not as noisy. It's nice."
       Parker took the other girl's hand and kissed it. "I agree. Are you ready to go inside?" She asked. Kristina nodded into her chest, "Yeah, it's getting pretty late." She said when she checked the time on her phone. "Morgan is gonna be up at the butt crack of dawn since he went to bed so early." Parker laughed and shook her head. "The things you say sometimes." Kristina smiled. "Okay but seriously. It's like I couldn't pay him to sleep in." Parker clicked her tongue as she stood up, reaching for the seated girl's hand to help her up as well. "We can't all sleep until noon." She said with a smirk. "Some of us like to get up early." Kristina pulled herself up. "Well some of you are weird. Thankfully, I like weird.'' 
     She and Parker walked up the path and into the house. "Are you ready for bed?" Parker asked, pulling off her jacket and her shoes and placing them where they were supposed to go. "Yes!" Kristina said, ditching her jacket and shoes at the foot of the stairs. "I'm exhausted." She began making her way up the stairs leaving her wife at the bottom. I swear, Parker thought to herself as she picked up Kristina's things. She might be cute when she's tired, but she's such a big baby. I love her.

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