New Girl in Town

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September 1994.
FP Jones woke up with a groan and slammed his hand down on his alarm clock.

First day of school. His least favourite time of the year, ever single year. But it was his junior year, which meant he only had one more year left before never having to return.

He pulled himself out of bed and got ready for the day. His outfit consisted of the same thing he always wore, a t-shirt with a flannel overtop and a pair of jeans. He didn't bother with his hair, only running his fingers through it to tame it a bit.

And then he was off to school. He swung by the Andrews household to pick up his best friend Fred so they could drive to school together.
"Hey." Fred said as he got in the truck, seeming just as enthused about the day as FP.


"Just think, 179 more days until summer vacation." Fred said.

"You already have it calculated?" FP laughed.

"Of course I do. I want out of here just as bad as you do."

"I thought you'd be excited to be flaunting around your relationship with Hermione."

"What relationship? She won't commit, to her it's just a meaningless fling."

"Means something more to you?"

"Yeah, I mean she's great. But she just... she won't make it official and I've tried, but I guess all our relationship is to her is just meaningless sex."

"That's not always a bad thing."

"Says you. All you have is meaningless sex."

"Do not."

"Fine, name one girl you've done it with that meant even the slightest to you?"

FP thought for a moment, he knew Fred was right. He had never cared too much for any of the girls he slept with, but he hated being wrong.

"Carrie Price."


"What? We dated for a while."

"You two dated for like a month, there was no emotions in that and you both know it."

"Hey I remember being pretty upset when we broke up."

"Only because she cheated on you with Chris Colton after he made varsity and you didn't."

"Whatever." FP stopped talking when he realized he couldn't fight it anymore.

Fred was right. There was not a girl he had been with that meant something to him. Sure he had been interested in plenty of girls but he had never fallen for anyone.

They pull into the school parking lot and hop out of the truck with a groan. Neither one wanting to face the day ahead of them, but knowing they really had no choice.

They walked in to the building just in time as the bell rang. They parted way and went off to class.

FP walked into his first class of the day, calculus, he hated it. He took a seat in an empty desk across from Mary Prince, a good friend of him and Fred.

"Shocked you came, usually you skip calculus." She said without looking up from her notebook.

"Can't really skip on the first day, or I wouldn't be here."

The teacher walked in and started the lesson. FP was more than ready to go home, or at least take a nap at his desk. But he suffered through it until the bell rang, and as soon as it did he was out of his seat in a flash.

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