Mr Jones

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Alice's mouth gaped open at his words. FP's dad is standing right in front of them. But why? FP told her his dad was a businessman and left him years ago, why would he come back after choosing to leave?"

"Are you going to say hi or are you just going to stand there with your mouth hanging open?" His dad asks, with a chuckle that sounds so much like FP.

"I..." FP starts but trails off. "I'll be right back." He turns Alice around and gives her a nudge to move towards the door. He follows her out with another glance at his father.

He walks straight past her and paces back and forth. "So that's your dad?" She questions, trying to break the award silence between them. He nods. "Yep. That's him."

"I thought you said your dad left years ago?"

"He did."

"So why is he back now? He chose to leave you so why is he back all of a sudden?"

FP takes a deep breath and then walks over to her, taking her hand in his own. "I'll walk you home." He says to her, leading the short walk to her house. They walk in silence and then he sighs. "He isn't actually a business man." FP admits. "Well, he is, but not the kind you're thinking." He corrects and her eyebrows knit together as a puzzled look comes over her face.

"What do you mean?"

"He's a Serpent just like you and me." She looks at him, even more confused then before, but knows he's not done explaining. "He was doing a drug run and ended up getting caught by the cops... so I wasn't lying when I said he left, he was sentenced to seven years in prison, guess they let him off early."

"Oh my God, I'm sorry." Alice says, squeezing his hand. "Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"Well I wasn't exactly going to admit that my father is a criminal on our first date. And then... I don't know, he never came up in conversation so I never even thought to tell you the truth. I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I get why you didn't tell me." She stops him from walking when they reach her house and steps in front of him. "How are you feeling?"

"Kinda want to throw up." FP says, a soft chuckle coming out with the delivery of the words. "It's just weird having him back, I'm not used to it, he's like a stranger to me. But I know I have to talk to him, I can't exactly hide from him."

"Will you tell me how it goes?"

"Yeah I'll drop by afterwards." He tells her and she nods. She pulls him into a hug when she sees how zoned out he is by this whole situation. He hugs her back tightly.

"I love you." She whispers.

He kisses the top of her head and then leans down to properly kiss her. "I love you too."

He watches as she goes into her house and then when she's out of sight he walks back to his trailer. It gives him a chance to think.

Before he even knows it he's back at his trailer. He takes a deep breath before walking up the steps and opening the door. He leans against the door post and looks at his father sitting on the couch. "Why are you back?" He asks.

"Got out early." He explains vaguely. "Good behaviour."

"That's good I guess."

"You don't seem too happy to see me." His dad comments.

"Just weird, that's all. I've gotten used to being on my own all these years and now you're here and it's just weird."

"Well I've been back for a little over a week now but you weren't here."

"Yeah there was a situation with the Serpents and Alice got hurt, I was staying with her for the past two weeks while she healed."

"I assume Alice was the girl that was with you?" His dad questions.

FP nods and walks over to join his dad on the kitchen, smiling as he thinks about Alice. "Yeah, that's Alice."

"Girlfriend?" FP nods in confirmation. "How long have you two been seeing each other?"

"Since September so," FP mentally counts it up in his head. "ten months."

"That's a long time." His dad comments, smiling at his son as he nods. "You love her?"

"With all my heart." FP confirms. "Best thing that ever happened to me."

"She know you're a Serpent?"

FP nods. "She's one too. Actually I asked her out when I saw her at school and she said she was busy that night. I went to the Wyrm that night and she was there doing the dance."

"Well that's a story."

"Oh trust me, I never let her forget it."

"Well, if you two are up for it, I'd love to meet her."

"I'll have to check with her but I'm sure she'd like to meet you." FP says.

"It's settled than."


"Baby, you seem more nervous than I am." Alice comments a week later as they walk up the front steps of his trailer.

"It's just weird, I mean I've never had to introduce my dad to any of my girlfriends."

"I get it, but it'll be fine," she tells him, cupping his face with her hands. "I promise." She kisses him softly when he nods and then opens the door to his trailer.

"We're here." FP announces once and Alice walk into the trailer.

"Hey kids." His dad says as he comes into view. "I'm assuming you're Alice."

"I am." She smiles at him. "Nice to meet you Mr Jones."


Alice and FP Sr finally meet.
I should probably tell you now who I'm envisioning as FP Sr: I picture Jeffrey Dean Morgan.

(I know in real life him and Skeet are only a few years apart in age but since FP is a teenager in this it works

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(I know in real life him and Skeet are only a few years apart in age but since FP is a teenager in this it works.)

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