Set Up

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"Al!" FP calls for her as he runs up to her after class. "Guess what?"

"What?" She asks curiously.

"Penny came up to me as I was walking out of class and said I was off the hook and that she would get someone else to do her dirty work for her. She took the drugs and everything, I'm completely off the hook."

"That's great, baby!" She grins at him, trying not to think about the fact that Penny will soon be giving her the drugs instead of FP.

"You ready? I'll walk you to class." He offers.

"I just have to go to the bathroom first."

"Okay, I'll wait for you." She nods and raises up on her tippy toes to kiss his cheek.

She walks to the girls bathroom and knocks in the weird pattern Penny told her to do on the phone to indicate it's her. She heard the door unlock and then sees Penny smiling wickedly at her on the other side of the door. "Alice, I was worried you weren't going to show."

"Well I'm here, so let's get this shit over with. Give me the stuff and give me the address, I'll drop it tonight."

Penny nods and digs her hands into her pockets, pulling out the dime bags she took back from FP. "Here." She hands Alice the weed and then digs her hand into her other pocket. "Oh and here's a little bonus seller." She pulls out a small bag of cocaine.

"Penny are you fucking insane?" Alice hisses.

"You're my drug mule now, Alice. You wanted to protect your boyfriend so badly."

"Penny you were making him sell weed, not the hard shit."

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that you get all of this to this address." She hands her a sticky note with an address scribbled on it.

"Fine." Alice slips the drugs into her bra so they won't fall out and be found and then storms out of the bathroom, instantly running into FP. "Shit. You scared me."

"You okay, Al?" He asks as his hands come to cup her cheeks.

"Yeah, just running a little late for class that's all."

"You've never cared about that before. You're flushed, is everything alright?"

"I just... ran into Penny in there, that's all."

"What did she say to you?" She sees his fist clench so she reaches out her own to entwine their fingers.

"The usual, that I'll never be good enough for you or the Serpents, that you will eventually come crawling back to her, a bunch of stupid shit."

"She's full of shit." He tells her, kissing her forehead before taking her hand and walking down the hall towards her class.


That night, as promised, she goes to the address Penny gave her, the drugs weighing down her pockets.

She pulls up outside the drop off place and slides open the door the run down shack. She pus her hands into her pockets to pull out the drugs and that's when a flashlight shines on her. "Freeze!"


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