Unknown Visitor

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"FP you do know I can walk on my own right?" Alice says to FP as he helps her down the stairs. "The doctor told me I was all healed up, I'm fine." The stabbing was two weeks ago and she's feeling perfectly fine, FP and her parents, however, are still cautious and not letting her do much.

"I know you can walk but I feel better if I'm helping you. Just in case." He explains.

"Well I love you and all but everyone hovering over me is starting to piss me off." He just laughs and removes his arms from around her.

"Fine, go ahead. But if you fall don't come crying to me because it'll be your fault." He says, trying to sound convincing but she sees right through him.

"I'll be fine." She takes his hand and then leads them into the kitchen where her parents are sitting at the table.

"Good morning you two." Her dad cheerfully says.

"Morning." Alice and FP reply, in sync with one another.

"Looks like you're feeling much better, walking on you're own and everything." Her mom comments, smiling at her daughter.

"Been fine for a while mom, it's not like they cut off a limb, I've been able to walk on my own since it happened."

"We just didn't want to risk you getting hurt, that's all." Her dad says.

"I know, and I appreciate that, but I'm fine. I've been fine." She pulls down two bowls from the cupboard and looks to FP. "Do you want cereal?"

"Please." He answers, walking over to her. She pours cereal and milk into both bowls and hands him one.

"So," her mom starts as they join them at the table. "now that you're feeling better I think it's time FP goes home. After all, this arrangement was only while you were healing."

"Fine." Alice pouts, maybe she should've kept quiet so he could stay with her a little longer. It's nice waking up next to him and having him there all the time.

"I'll pack up my stuff after breakfast." FP says. "Thanks for letting me stay here, by the way."

"Of course, it's been nice to be able to go to work and not worry." Her dad answers with a smile.

After breakfast he and Alice head upstairs to pack his bag. "I don't want you to go." She says as she folds up some of his clothes, placing them neatly in his bag.

"I don't want to either but the deal was I stayed here until you got better, we're lucky enough to have gotten that long."

"That's true. Maybe I should've milked it a little longer so you could stay."

"It's not like we're never going to see each other again, Al." He chuckles.

She smiles. "Well I know that but I've gotten so used to falling asleep and waking up with you and spending every hour of the day with you, I don't know what I'm supposed to do now."

He walks over to her and places the last few belongings of his in the bag and then cups her face in his hands. "I guess I'll just have to start sneaking in here again." He dips down to kiss her, breaking it only to add to his previous words. "Or you're just going to have to come stay at mine." He kisses her again and she holds him to her with a hand on the back of his neck.

"Definitely." She mumbles against his lips.

After doing a double check to make sure he has everything they head downstairs. "Were going to go drop FP's stuff off at the trailer and then we're gonna go to Pop's and the drive-in. I'll see you later." Alice tells her parents.

"Have fun you two." Her parents day and then they're out the door.

As they drive over to FP's trailer Alice's hand moves to his leg, slowly inching higher and higher. "You're going to get us into an accident." He chuckles.

"Why don't we go for a late lunch instead?" She suggests seductively.

He looks over at her and smirks. "I think that can be arranged."

They pull up to his trailer and see a car parked outside. "Who's car is that?" Alice asks as they get out of the truck.

He looks at it, confused as to who's here. "I don't know." The car looks slightly familiar but he can't put his finger on it.

He takes her hand and leads them inside, keeping her behind him just to be safe. There's no one in sight but there's leftover boxes and beer cans on the coffee table so someone has definitely been here.

"Hello?" FP calls out. "Is someone here?"

They hear a door open and then hear footsteps coming to the main part of the trailer. A few seconds later a tall man with dark hair comes into view. She doesn't know who he is but something about his eyes looks familiar to her. She looks at FP and sees his mouth hanging open slightly.

"FP? Boy is that you?" The man asks.



Cliffhanger, sorry.
This was short so I'm also sorry about that. The next chapter will be longer I just didn't know how else to drag on this chapter since the only thing I really had planned for it was that last part.
Anyway hope you enjoyed it and sorry for the wait!

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