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"Alice?" Forsythe Sr. questions when he sees the girl sitting at the bar of the Whyte Wyrm.

"Hi, Mr Jones." She greets with a smile.

"My son with you?"

"No, he's doing a run, he'll be back soon though."

"He's doing a run?" His eyes grow wide. "I go to jail for a few years and suddenly my son is drug mule! Any chance you know where?"

"Yeah." She pulls a napkin out of her pocket and hands it to him. "He wrote me the address in case something went wrong."

"Thanks kid." And with that he's on his way.

He drives to the address Alice gave him and as he approaches it he sees his son's truck outside and knows he's in the right place. He sighs and shakes his head as he walks into the old barn. "Forysthe Pendleton Jones what the hell do you think you're doing?" FP jumps at the sound of his voice and only calms when he turns to see his dad standing in the doorway all alone.

"Dad, you scared the shit out of me."

"Yeah well you scared the shit out of me. You're doing drug runs now? You do know that's what landed my ass in jail right?"

"I know that, dad. I'm careful when I'm doing runs and I'm quick so I have less of a chance of getting caught."

"Boy you need to be smarter, you can't be doing drug runs at your age. If you get caught you'll get yourself thrown in the slammer and miss it on the good year of your life, do you want that?" His dad yells at him and FP tries his hardest to focus on unloading the drugs while he does.

"No I don't want that dad but you're distracting me, so if you don't want that either you can either help me or shut up until I'm done."

Forsythe Sr. steps forward to help his son unload, and it's just a short amount of time until he hears sirens. He can feel his heart rate pick up as he thinks about his son getting caught and thrown in jail.

"Cops." He states as his blood runs cold.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Give me that." He yanks the bag out of FP's hands. "Go."


"Get out of here, go!"


"Boy, listen to me. You may be a Serpent now and be loyal to them, and believe me I'm proud of you, but I'm not going to let you get caught for some shit like this, you're too young to go to jail. So get out of here while you can, get on your bike and go as far away from here as you can."

"What about you?"

"I'll be fine."

"What if they catch you?"

"Then I go back to jail."

"No. You're not going back, just come with me leave all of this here."

"FP would you just listen?" His dad yells. "Our fingerprints are all over this, even if we leave they'll track us down. I'll move it all and hide it the best I can. Now get the hell out of here, I'm fine with going back to jail if it means you never have to see the inside of one. Now get out of here... Go!"

FP just nods slowly and then bolts out of the barn as the sirens get louder. He hops on his bike and speeds away driving so far away he nearly hits Greendale.

He eventually rounds back to the Southside and walks into his trailer. When he sees nothing but empty takeout bags and beer bottles, stuff reminiscent of his dad's presence, he breaks down.

He sinks to the floor in tears and cradles his head in his hands. He's never exactly been a religious person but right then he was praying with all his might that his dad would walk in the door any second.

At Alice's house her parents call her downstairs, telling her she needs to see whatever it is they're looking at.

When she comes to the living room she freezes in place at what she sees. There on the tv is footage of FP's dad being handcuffed and shoved into a police car. The newsperson reads out the story. "Once a convict, always a convict. Forysthe Jones arrested again for drug possession and distribution. The arrest comes just weeks after an early release from jail after committing the same crime years ago."

"Oh my God." Alice breathes out. Her parents look at her with sympathetic expressions. "I need to go check on FP." She runs out of her house and goes to FP's trailer.

She doesn't bother knocking, just lets herself in. She sees him on the floor and is by his side in an instant. "Baby..." She starts, trailing off as he looks up at her with tears running down his face.

"Did they-" he starts to ask but he can't manage to get all the words out. She knows what he's asking though and nods softly.

He opens his mouth to speak again but nothing comes out and instead he clings onto her, holding her like she's his lifeline, and in a way, she is.

"I'm sorry." She whispers, hugging him tightly as he cries. "I'm so, so sorry baby."

"He just got out!" FP cries. "He just got out of that place and now he's going back. All so I wouldn't have to go myself. This is all my fault"

"No, it's not your fault. He asked me for the address and I gave it to him, if anything it's my fault."

"It's not your fault, you didn't know the cops would be coming. You didn't know." He wipes his cheeks and reaches for her hand, holding onto it tightly. "He was back, my dad was back, we were getting to know each other again, I finally had my dad back and now he's ripped away from me again. It's not fair."

She doesn't know what else to say, and besides, nothing she could say could ever make this better for him. So instead, she focuses on just being there for him, holding him as he crumbles down. She's all he has now.

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