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So this was requested as a oneshot idea by Aw_too_Bad (I'll put a screenshot of it up top.) but I wanted to add it into this book instead (just changed up a little) just to break up all the drama that is going to ensue next chapter and the chapters coming.



FP shows up at the Smith household and Alice's mom lets him in. He's got his truck packed full of camping necessities. Two tents, sleeping bags, pillows, Hermione's, Fred's and his own luggage. They'll be meeting he and Alice at the campsite and everyone agreed that FP should be the pack mule since he has the truck to carry it all.

He walks upstairs to see if Alice is ready and sees her packing last minute things into her bag. "Hey, you ready for a full week of camping?" He teases, knowing she's not exactly ecstatic about going for a week.

"Well I don't exactly have a choice now, do I?" She replies, zipping up her bag before walking over to kiss him. "But I'm sure it'll be fun, plus a whole week away with you sounds pretty close to Heaven to me."

He smirks and wraps his arms around her. "Well it wont just be us, Fred and Hermione will be there too."

"I know that, but I don't mind them being there. And besides," she starts, leaning up on her tippy toes to pepper kisses all over his face. "it's only us at night." He smirks and catches her lips in a proper kiss.

"That's very true. You ready to go? All packed?"

"Yep." She grabs her bag off of her bed and then stops. "Wait, I almost forgot." She rummages through her bedside table before pulling out a box of condoms. She shows it to him and he laughs as she throws it in her bag.

"Fred and Hermione are going to kill us."


When they arrive at the campsite they see Fred and Hermione sitting on a log beside an unlit fire. "Finally!" Hermione exclaims as they get out of the truck. "We've been here for almost an hour, what took you guys so long?"

"We had to make a stop on the way." FP explains holding up a paper bag to the two of them.

"What was so important that you need to stop for?" Fred asks.

"Well none of you geniuses brought food so we had to stop and get some."

"And we brought alcohol." Alice adds.

"Yes, and we brought alcohol."

"Wouldn't expect anything less." Fred comments.

They take a long time to set up the tents and then after everything is all settled and the sun is starting to set they gather around the campfire with a bag of marshmallows.

"So, you feeling any better now that you're away from your dad and everything?" Fred asks as he makes a s'more.

"Yeah, a lot better. It's nice to just be away for a bit, ya know? I mean I love the man to death I've been living without him since I was thirteen. I've grown accustomed to being on my own and it's weird having someone there 24/7 now."

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