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"Hey, Al. Nice to see you back in school." Fred smiles as he leans against the locker beside hers.

"I didn't want to come back but if I ever want to go to college I can't keep skipping."

"You talked to him lately?"

"Yeah, almost everyday."

"How is he?"

"Well he's in prison so about as good as you can imagine. His dad's there though so that's helping him."

"That's good. I mean it sucks ass that he's in jail but it's good he's not alone in there."

"It sucks, I mean he's missing out on so much. Football, college applications... Chickpea."

Fred raises an eyebrow. "Chickpea?"

"The baby." She points to her stomach and Fred sighs as he remembers.

"Ah, right, you got a little nugget on the way. How's that going?"

"I'm hungry 24/7, I have to pee all the time, I have morning sickness and it likes to move around when I go to bed so I can't sleep. It's a great time."

"You know if it's a boy or a girl yet?"

"Find out tomorrow."

"I have some name suggestions!" Fred excitedly tells her and she raises an eyebrow. "If its a boy, Fred. And if it's a girl Frida."

She laughs softly. "As great as those names are we've already picked out the names, talked about it a while ago."

"What are they?"

"Chic for a boy, Poppy for a girl but we'd call her P for short. Hence FP nicknaming it Chickpea."

"Can you at least make the middle name Fred?"

"We'll see." She closes her locker and pecks a kiss to her friend's cheek before walking down the hall.

"Wait, Alice! You wanna go to Pop's with me and Hermione? Bet little nugget is craving a milkshake and hamburger if it's anything like FP."

"As good as that sounds I have to go work on the paper, catch up on what I missed. Eat extra for me though."

"Will do!" He promises with a grin.


She walks into the Blue & Gold office and is met with a smile from Hal. "Thought you quit the paper, you weren't showing up for a while there."

"Been dealing with some personal stuff but I'm here now. I'm ready to do my share of what I missed."

"Okay well I have a list of topics we need to cover in this week's issue, you can look through it and see what you want?"

He hands her the list and she reads over it, checking off the topics she'll do. "How many people do we have on board this year?"

"So far? Two."

"Two?" Her eyes grow wide.

"Yeah just you and I."

"Jesus, does no one care about journalism anymore? Is the art of writing dead to people our age?"

"Guess so. It sucks but you're back now so we can really make this paper something special."

She smiles. "You know you're not as bad as you were last year, what happened?"

"Getting kicked off the team was an eye opener. Realized I needed to grow up before senior year, really threw myself into journalism and became less of an asshole." He sighs and takes a seat beside her. "Which, by the way, I'm sorry for how I acted last year. Treated you like some dumb blonde when you're quite possibly one of the smartest and most talented people I know."

"Thanks Hal." She offers him a smile that he gladly returns.

"Apologize to FP for me? Can't find him anywhere."

"Oh... he uh, transferred."


"Southside High."

"Ah that sucks, I'm sorry."

"It's alright, we still talk a lot, see each other as much as possible."

"That's good."

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