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He walks her up to her front door, his fingers entwined with hers. "I actually had a really good time tonight."

He raises an eyebrow at her and laughs. "Don't sound so surprised."

She chuckles and plays with his fingers in hers. "I'm sorry, it's just... I don't know, I've been so torn up about FP I was almost going to reject you."

"Well," he steps closer to her and cups her cheek, stroking his thumb across her cheekbone. "I'm glad you didn't."

"Me too." She smiles and leans in at the same time as him.

He brushes a soft kiss against her lips and then pulls away. "I'll see you later, Alice."

"Night, Hal."

She let's herself inside and smiles as she hangs up her coat. She happily thinks over the night until a strong wave of nausea hits her like a truck.

She sprints upstairs just in time. Chic doesn't like popcorn clearly. She flushes the toilet and sighs as she gets up to brush her teeth. Chic is kicking away in her stomach and she chuckles. "Hey mister, you be good in there." She rubs her hand over her bump and Chic kicks again. "Did you make mama sick because I went on a date?"

She finishes brushing her teeth and heads to her room, her phone rings almost instantly. "Hello?"

"You are receiving a call from Shankshaw prison, would you like to accept the charge?"

Her heart flutters, it's FP calling. "Yes, I'll accept."


"Hey, babe. How are you?"

"Better now. How's my babe and our baby?"

She smiles. "We're good, your child is making me nauseous."

"Aw, Chickpea, you making your mama sick?"

"I think he's mad because I went out with Hal."

"Oh right that was tonight," he fakes being surprised but she knows he knows what he's doing. "how'd that go?"

"Good, I mean, he's not you."

He sighs. "I miss you."

"I know. We miss you too."

"Besides making you nauseous how's our boy doing?"

"Growing rapidly, kicking a lot, think he's gonna be a little soccer player."

"That's my boy. Can I talk to him?"

"Sure, I love you."

"I love you too, baby."

She places the phone on her belly and smiles as she feels Chic kicking away.

There's already such a bond between FP and their unborn son and on one hand it makes her happy but there's also the underlying sadness of knowing he won't be there for most of younger years.

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