Black and Blue

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When she wakes up it's with a throbbing feeling in her head and face. There's also a slight buzzing sound accompanying the pain.

She remembers what happened last night, her and FP having a good time, then seeing Penny straddling FP and taunting her about their past relationship, slapping Penny before she could say anything else, and punching her a few minutes later, earning a punch herself.

And now here she is in FP's bed, but he's nowhere to be seen. She can hear movements in the kitchen and she registers that that's where he must be.

She lays back down and pulls the blankets up around her neck, groaning as she silently curses herself for fighting last night.

FP probably isn't happy with her, he's always been worried about her fighting with Penny and getting herself hurt, and that's exactly what she did.

As if on cue FP walks into the bedroom with two mugs in his hand. "You're up. Thought you were down for the count." He smirks at her as he walks over to the bed and sticks out one of the mugs for her to take.

"Funny." She says, narrowing her eyes at him as she takes the mug.

He sits down on the bed beside her, leaning up against the headboard as he turns to her. He cracks a smile as he drinks in hr appearance.

She's beautiful, she always is. Her blonde waves are messy from sleep and hanging loose down her back. There's love bites adorning the side of her neck from last night before everything went to shit. But what he really smirks at is the little cut on her cheek bone from where Penny's ring caught her when she slapped her, and the black and blue bruise around her eye from the punch.

He brushes his fingers over the bruise, careful not to hurt her and he smirks. "Nice shiner, honey."

She pouts a little at that comment. "How bad is it?" She asks, reaching up to touch her eye.

"Well you've got a black eye, I'll let you be the judge of that. But in my opinion it's kind of hot." She scoffs at that.

"Yeah, right." She rolls her eyes as she sips her coffee.

"I'm serious. Watching you fight last night, I mean I was scared you were going to get yourself hurt, but there was something sexy about it." She turns to him, raising an eyebrow. "And since I know it was purely out of jealousy it makes it that much more enticing." He leans in to kiss her jaw and she frowns.

"Not jealous." She states. He pulls away to look at her and raises his eyebrow. "What? I wasn't! I just don't want to hear her talk about you two having sex, or really talk about you two at all." She leans over him to set her mug on the nightstand and then settles up against the headboard beside him, swinging her legs over his own.

"Sounds like jealousy to me." He says, setting his own mug on the nightstand placing his hands on Alice's legs, running his fingers up and down.

"Please, I know I've got you all to myself." She moves to straddle his waist and he places his hands on her hips. "So no, I'm not jealous of her, or anyone else."

"Good. You know I'm all yours." He leans up to capture her lips with his own and she smiles against him. "But you do have to be careful. I mean a black eye and a little cut is nothing, but if it were to be any worse... God, I don't even know what I'd do. I don't want you getting hurt."

"I'm not going to."

"You have a black eye and a gash on your cheekbone that begs to differ."

"Okay fine, so I got into a little fist fight, I'm fine. And now Penny will stop bugging me." She leans in to kiss at his jawline he holds her shoulder to push her away slightly so he can talk to her. She pouts at him. "FP-" she starts but he cuts her off.

"Alice, I'm not joking here. You smacking Penny around probably made her more pissed and hate you more than she already does. You have to be careful." He tucks her hair behind her ear and lets his thumb brush against her cheek. "I don't know what I'd do if she hurt you. And I've seen her do some nasty things to people, bust people up worse than she did to you. I don't want that to happen to you."

"I'm sorry." She says, tumbling off of his lap and falling back into the bed. "I know you always tell me to be careful, not to fight Penny, just let it be. But, jeez she just really gets to me, you know?"

"I know. And I love how territorial you are, believe me, it's hot as hell, but I really don't want have to rush you to the emergency room because you let your jealousy get the best of you." He moves to hover over her, running his fingers through her hair.

"I'll keep it in check." She says and he raises an eyebrow at her, causing her to roll her eyes. "I'll try to keep it in check." He smiles at her and kisses her jaw, making his way down the column of her neck. "But if she thinks she can straddle your lap and flirt with you I'm going to teach her otherwise."

"I wouldn't expect anything less, baby." She smiles and leans up to catch his lips in a proper kiss.

"Now since Penny had to ruin it last night, we never got to finish what we started." She wraps her legs around his waist and cants her hips up towards his. "What do you say we pick up where we left off?" She bites her bottom lip softly and he smiles as he leans down to kiss her.

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