In a Booth at Pop's

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Their date at the drive-in went better than planned. They get along so easily, it's easy to make conversation. It was no surprise that they had a good time. It was more of a surprise when Alice stayed true to the promises she wrote to him in English class.

But nothing further happened. He made a silent promise to himself that their first time would be special and not in the front seat of his truck.

Him and Fred are sitting in a booth at Pop's. No doubt Fred would be asking questions about it, and he was prepared to tell him just that.

"So how'd your date with Alice go last night?" Fred asks, taking a bite out of his burger.

"It was great, really great."

"Ah, did you get laid?"

"No. But we did plenty of other stuff if you know what I mean." He raises an eyebrow at Fred just to convey what he's saying and Fred laughs.

"I see." He says. "So nothing else happened at all?" Fred asks, a little confused.


"Must say I'm a little shocked. Usually you're always bragging about how you did some girl at the drive-in. What's different this time?"

"Everything," FP says, smiling to himself before continuing. "It's different with her this time, man. I'm telling you, she's something else. I've never met anyone like her." Fred smiles a little as he listens to FP talk. "I don't plan on having sex with her just for the sake of having sex, I want it to be special. It'd be special anyway, because it's her, but I want it to be extra special. You know?"

"Yeah I get it, I was the same way when me and Hermione started seeing each other."

"And now you two do it wherever and whenever."

"Oh please you and Alice can't keep your hands off of each other either, and it's been less than a week."

"Fair enough."

They're distracted when the bell above the door rings, indicating someone just walked in. They turn to see Hermione and Alice at the counter.
"Oh ladies?" Fred calls, causing the two girls to turn. They smile when they see them and Fred gestures for them to come sit.

They finish ordering and then join the two boys in the booth. Alice sits on FP's lap momentarily and kisses his lips before sliding over into the spot beside him. He places an arm on the top of the seat, his fingertips just reaching her shoulder.

"So were you talking about us?" Hermione asks jokingly.

"Well actually we were talking about these two's date last night." Fred says. Alice's cheeks blush. She knows FP told Fred what they did, not a doubt in her mind, she had told Hermione what they did.

It's not that she's embarrassed or regrets anything, she's just not too keen on having to talk about it with even more people.

"Oh yes, I've heard lots about this date." Hermione says, earning a kick from Alice under the table.

"Oh really?" FP says with a cocky grin as he turns to Alice.

"I've got two milkshakes, one chocolate, one strawberry." Pop says, placing the milkshakes in front of the girls. Alice is grateful for the distraction.

"So you've been talking about our date, have you?" He says, smiling as he leans closer to her.
She dips her finger into the whip-cream on her milkshake and swipes it across his nose.

"Calm down there babe, wouldn't want to get over excited." She says, giving him a wicked smile.

He sticks his tongue out at her, but smiles when he realizes he's met his match. She's just as stubborn as he is and it somehow makes him more attracted to her.

"Woah, woah, woah, what do you mean "over excited", spill your guts lady." Fred says, leaning over the table a little.

"No, no, not like that." She says before turning to him, running her finger across his cheek.. "Trust me, he has no issues with that."

He smiles and kisses all over her cheek, causing her to laugh, and lord how he loves her laugh.

"Come on you two, there's plenty of time for that later." Hermione teases, FP stops kissing her and leans back, but not before she can whisper suggestively in his ear.

He's never met someone who looks so innocent but can make him blush with just a few words.

Fred must have noticed the colour drain to his cheeks because he says something about it almost instantly. "Getting a little flustered over there FP?"

He doesn't answer just rolls his eyes and laughs a little. He leans in close to Alice and whispers in her ear. "You're evil." He says jokingly, causing her to smile.

"You love it." She says before kissing him. FP takes a sip of her milkshake as they all talk.
Mary shows up a little while later and gladly joins her friends at the table.

They talk and laugh easily, the conversation running between all 5 of them in a booth at Pop's.

They can hardly remember what their group was like before Alice came along, it's like she was always there, and FP intends to keep it that way.

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