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Hal proposes to her Sophomore year of college.

It happened while at his parents house for thanksgiving, he had taken her out on a walk down at Sweetwater River to give her a break from his family.

Evelyn was particularly bitchy that night and Hal could tell Alice was close to decking her. So he took her for a walk and when she had her back turned to him he took the opportunity to get down on one knee and present with her a big, shiny diamond ring.

"Oh, Hal." She had breathed, tears shining in her eyes. "Of course I'll marry you."

The best part of it all bough was the look on Evelyn's face when they announced the engagement.

They got married junior year, a big celebration. Her dress was hideous, but at least she got Evelyn's stamp of approval on it. It didn't really flatter her body much, though it did have a nice cutout in the back that definitely made her feel more sexy and like herself.

The rest of college seems to fly by and soon they both have their journalism degrees. They move back to Riverdale where Hal purchases the town newspaper, The Riverdale Register.

However, the most drastic change to their lives was their daughter growing inside her. "Little Polly Evelyn Cooper." Hal proclaimed once they found out they were in fact having a baby girl.

They buy the big White House on Elm Street, it's beautiful but Alice can't help but feel a little uneasy about it. Elm Street? Really?

She remembers all the times her and FP watched Nightmare on Elm Street and she'll admit she was scared. But it got easier to watch as time went on.

But she can't shake the uneasy feeling as she looks at the street sign, then to Hal who flashes her a pearly white grin, and then down to her stomach. Noticeably smaller then when she was pregnant the first time. She can't help think that maybe she is living a nightmare, a literal nightmare on Elm street. But she brushes it off and rubs her hand comfortingly over her baby bump before following Hal up the walkway.

With Polly she goes to the hospital, giving birth in a sterilized, clean hospital room, an epidural numbing her from the waist down.

After she's born Alice is left alone in the room with her, and as she holds her she can't help but cry as she thinks about the baby she gave away. She had tried her hardest not to think about Chic, deeming it easier to just not think about him since it still hurt her so much.

She had felt such a connection with Chic in the short time she had known him, Polly however feelsq2aaa like a stranger. She loves her with all her heart, no doubt about that, but Polly is all about Hal, only falling asleep for Hal, only stopping her crying when Hal consoles her. Hell she wouldn't even breastfeed for the first week and Alice was about ready to give up and just have Hal bottle feed her every night. The baby girl most likely would have been content with that.

Eventually it got easier and Polly started falling asleep in Alice's arms, was able to be consoled by Alice and eventually breastfed. But the road there was tough.

Chic was so different, he had stopped crying the minute Alice touched him, had fallen asleep in her arms every night, and had breastfed on the first try. Maybe it was because she was all he had, or maybe it's because he could somehow feel the overwhelming love she had for him.


"Yeah, hun?" He hummed as head Polly in his arms on their couch, smiling down at the baby girl.

"Would it be alright if I went out for a few hours?"

"Of course, sweetheart. You deserve a little break."

She doesn't specify where she's going to him.

She ends up at the town jail where FP is still serving time. He's getting out soon and she knows it.

"Al?" She sees him say but doesn't hear, from the other side of the glass and he picks up the phone. "Holy shit, this is a surprise. You look good!"

"So do you." She smiles. "It's good to see you again... good to hear your voice."

"Yeah, you too. It's been too long." They both share a sad smile. "So what have you been up to in the past years?"

"Well I um... I married Hal."

"You did?" He questions surprised. "Congratulations, really, Alice. I'm happy for you."

"We have a daughter." She leaves out the part that Polly wasn't exactly planned.

He swallows hard. "That's great, Alice. I bet she's beautiful."

"She is." She confirms. "We um... we own the paper in town. You know, The Register?"

"No way!" He smiles excitedly. "Alice that's amazing! I always knew you'd do great things and my God, you so are. I mean owning the paper? That's amazing, baby." They both freeze when he calls her baby and he awkwardly clears his throat.

She looks down at her feet, a sad expression on her face and he knows something is on her mind, but he's not going to push her to tell him anything.

There's so much she wants to say to him, how she'd rather be in jail with him then at home with Hal. Because at least she'd be with him and she wouldn't be stuck in a marriage to a man she's not even sure she loves. Most of all she wants to tell him she loves him, even after all these years, and that deep down she knows always will.

"Alice, can I ask you something?" She looks up at him. "I want an honest answer." He pauses to watch her expression and he can see the pain set deep in her eyes, it breaks his heart. "Are you happy."

He knows she could never lie to him and he could never lie to her, so he watches her intently as she thinks about her answer.
"Yes... I am."

He can see her eyes turn glassy, even from the other side of the glass, and he knows her answer is complete bullshit. But he won't call her on it, he can't, because as soon as she answers she's standing up, ready to put the phone back on the hook. In a desperate attempt he places his hand to the glass, gaining her attention back. He points to the phone and she raises it to her ear.

"I love you, Alice." Her face goes blank and her mouth opens slightly.

She gives him the saddest smile he's ever seen. "I love you too." She walks away without another glance at him, and that's when he breaks down. The longer she's with Cooper, the more FP is going to lose her. He's getting out soon and she's married with a baby, he doesn't stand a chance.


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