Phone Call

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After her last class of the day Alice walks over to FP's locker. "Hi, baby." He greets her, leaning over to kiss her softly.

"How was your class?" She asks him.

"I'm just glad it's over. You?"

"It was alright, I guess." She studies him, her eyes glaring at the pocket of his jacket. "Sell any of those dime bags?"

"Alice, keep your voice down." He shushes her.

"Oh, are you scared of getting caught? Maybe you should have thought about that before you told Penny you'd sell for her!"

"I wasn't putting your life at risk by saying no to her, Al. You're too precious for me to ever risk." He strokes her cheek with his thumb and she tries to force a smile.

"What's wrong?" He asks her, curling his arm around her shoulder as they walk outside to the parking lot.

"I'm just worried about you is all."

"You don't have to be worried about me, Al."

"After seeing what happened to your dad can you blame me for being worried?" He spins her around and cups her face with his hands.

"That's not going to happen to me. I'm going to be careful."

"Your dad was careful to and look how that worked out." She looks down at the ground, kicking at the dirt.

FP places his finer under her chin and angles her face up to look at him. "I'm not going anywhere, baby, believe me."


"No, I gotta hear you say it."

"I believe you."

"That's my girl, I love you."

She smiles as he leans in to kiss her. "I love you too." She mumbles against his lips.


Later that night she waits until her parents have gone to sleep and then grabs the phone, dialling the number she obtained from Tallboy.

"Hello?" Penny Peabody's voice speaks on the other end of the line.

"Penny? It's Alice."

"Oh, Alice, what a surprise this is. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I know what you're doing with FP, cut it the fuck out. I'm not letting him get thrown into jail because you are a jealous bitch."

"Calm down, Alice, I would never intentionally get Forsythe arrested. If he's stupid enough to get caught than that's his fault."

"No, he's stupid enough to listen to you. Little birdie told me you threatened my life so he would do your bidding."

"I may have said something along the lines of that, yes."

"Cut it out, Penny. He's done nothing wrong. He's finally getting back to his old self. After his dad got sent back to jail I for sure thought I lost the old FP. I don't want him to slip back to that."

"And he won't. It's not like I'm getting him to deliver barrels of cocaine or anything, he just has to sell dime bags on the down low."

Alice takes a deep breath, her hands rolling into fists and her fingernails pinching the skin of her palm. "What can I do to make you get him out of this?"

She hears Penny laugh wickedly on the other end of the phone. "I suppose I could substitute him for someone else."

"Do it!" Alice says immediately.

"And I think I have the perfect substitute in mind."



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