The Blue and Gold

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"Guess what?" Alice says excitedly as she walks up to FP's locker.

"What?" He smiles at her level of excitement, finding it adorable.

"I talked to Mr. Dewey and he agreed to let me start the school newspaper up again!"


"Yeah! It's become practically nothing over the years and he named me head of the paper to bring it back!"

"That's great, baby! Congrats." He says, leaning down to give her a congratulatory kiss.

"He said he has a few other people he knows will join so I already have a team to help." He smiles as she continues on, he knows how much she loves writing and journalism so he's more than happy to listen to her.

"But I do have some bad news."

"What's that?"

"First meeting is at lunch today so I'm gonna have to cancel our lunch."

"That's fine, this is way more important than having lunch with me and our friends."

"So you'll tell them why I'm not there then? You don't think they'll be mad?"

"Of course not. I'll tell them and I'm sure they'll be just as happy for you as I am."

"You're the best." She says as she wraps her arms around him, hugging him tight. "I love you."

"I love you too." He places his finger underneath her chin to tilt her face upwards and he catches her lips in a kiss.

"Alright, I have to go before I'm late for class but I'll see you after lunch?"


She smiles and kisses him once more before walking off to her next class.


Mr. Dewey was true to his word and found some people willing to help with the paper. She sits and listens to him talk about what the expectations are, deadlines, and other stuff she's heard before at her last school.

She was editor in chief at Greendale high's school newspaper, 'The Green and White', so she knows this is going to be a piece of cake.

"Okay now I'm going to do a role call just to make sure everyone who said they would be here, is." Mr. Dewey takes out a notepad and pen and starts reading off names, checking them off one by one.

"Melinda McCauley?"


"Hal Cooper?" When no one answers he looks around the room. "No Hal? That's a surprise."

"I'm here! I'm here, sorry I'm late." A blonde boy suddenly rushes into the room, breathless.

"Ah, Mr. Cooper, you're late."

"Sorry sir, practice went a little late."

"Fine, take a seat. You best not be late again, that doesn't look good on college applications."

"I surely won't." Hal takes a look around the room before his eyes stop on Alice, looking her up and down.

She hasn't paid him much attention since he busted into the room, finding the disturbance irritating.

He walks over to the desk beside hers. "Is this seat taken?" He asks, flirtatiously, flashing her a pearly white smile that makes her a little uneasy.

"Obviously not." Her tone is annoyed and she watches his smile fade before turning her attention away from him.

After role call they all get assigned to different tasks, Alice gets put on article duty for now.

When the first issue of the paper comes out she'll be put officially in charge so long as the paper is a hit, which she has no doubt that it will be.

Hal is the other person out on article duty and their first task is to write up a summary of the schools football game against Southside High.
She remembers attending that game with FP, both of them feeling guilty as they rooted for the Southside even though they were there to support Fred. Which they did.

Southside High had one by an unexpected touchdown in the final 30 seconds. When Fred came sulking off the field they showed their support for their friend even though they were secretly happy their own side of town had won the game.

Hal summarizes the entire game for her, not bothering to ask if she had actually seen the game just assuming that a pretty girl like herself wouldn't have bothered.

He especially shined a light on his own performance in the game, talking about all the touchdowns he scored for the team even though Alice knew it was a complete lie since she had seen him play.

She suffered through the hour long meeting, ready to knock Hal's cocky self out by the end of it.

When the bell rang she grabbed her notebook and pen and walked to the door without another word.

Hal caught up to her quickly. "Hey, Alice is it?"

She rolls her eyes before turning to face him.
"Yeah, that's me."

"I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie tonight at Sparkle Theatre, say 9ish?"
She laughs a little at the name of the theatre but she quickly straightens herself out before he catches on.

"Thanks for the offer but I actually have a boyfriend."

"Aw that's too bad." He says, giving her a pouty face. She wants to slap it off of him. "Is it serious?"

She can't even believe he would ask such a thing, so she rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Yes it's serious, you asshole. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go."

She walked out of the room before he could say anything else and instantly bumps into someone.

"Oh, sorry." When she looks up she sees that it's FP she bumped into. "Oh hey, what are you doing here?"

"Came to meet you."

She smiles and leans up to kiss him, he kisses her back but she can tell something is bothering him.

"You alright baby?"

"Yeah, just not fond of guys asking out my girlfriend is all."

"Oh Hal? Trust me he's on my last nerve and I just met him today. But don't worry, I made it clear that I have a boyfriend who I happen to be crazy about."

"I know, it's just... god he gets on my nerves, you know?"

"I know."

"Sorry, I probably sound like a jerk." He turns away from her and she smirks a little at the fact that he's jealous.

"No, you don't, you're not." She places her finger on his jaw and turns his face back to her. "I only have eyes for you, I promise. Okay?"


"I love you."

"I love you too." He says, finally breaking a smile.

"There's my man." She says, leaning up to kiss the smile on his lips.

He takes her hand and starts walking to their lockers.

"Oh I almost forgot, he wouldn't stop bragging about how he got so many touchdowns for the team, even though I was there and know he was actually useless."

"He's really full of himself isn't he? Loser."

She laughs as she leans into his side.

Nothing Hal could say could convince her to leave FP. Not a thing.

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